SD Card

Guys & Gals

Just a very quick question.

A lot of electronic gear that uses any of the various size SD cards, specify the maximum card capacity that can be used.

With an Arduino Uno, is there any limit in the capacity, and if so what is it?



The limit might depend on the SD handling library, similiar to how 32-bit PCs support no more than 4GB ram. The library might not be able to adress more than a couple of gigabytes.

I think that you might find a library that supports cards of size like 32GB or maybe more.

If you have a library that uses sequential write you could in theory use cards of any size.

The other limitation is the amount of RAM on the micro itself, meaning that you can't load (at once) files that are bigger than your buffer! However of you only write that limitation does not apply.

So, the limit depends on the library you use.


Thanks for the info. Interesting!!

Now I must hunt down suitable libraries. I will only be saving small csv files, but written every 5 mins over many months. No idea at this point in time how much storage I will need, but the bigger the better, -=))
