Hi guys!
I am workingmm on a GPS data logger that gets data such as coordinates from a gps module and than uses an SD card module to save the data to a .txt file. I would like to make the project waterproof so that it can be used on a sailboat, but i also would like to utilize this (Magnetic USB Charging Cable for 4 Pin 0.1 Magnetic Connector [60cm long] : ID 5412 : $4.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits) magnetic cable on the outside for battery charing and to offload the data from the SD card inside.
I ran into a problem trying to interface the 4 pin standard usb cale with the sd card module. Do you guyus have any ideas on how i could adapt the SPI SD card module to the USB connector?
I was thinking of tapping into the sd card directly and adapting the sd pins using a standard adapter, but that seems like a lot tedious work to make with with both the SPI adapter and the USB adapter.
Let me know if you have any ideas!