sdfat.h not found when uploading sketch for VS1305B shield

I am trying to use the examples using VS1305B shield from

I am getting an error verifying the sketch as it can't find the sdfat.h.

"FilePlayer.ino:29:19: fatal error: SdFat.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated."

I see the files in the folders but somehow it is not reading the file.
Anyone have any suggestions? I am a newbie at Arduino.


I see the files in the folders

What folders?
It should be in the libraries folder.

Do you have download the sdfat.h-library already? If you did, you have to build a directory named "sketchbook" or "sketches". In that directory you have to build a file named "library". You have to put the sdfat.h-library in that file and you have to delete it everywhere else. Than try it again. The error shouldn't be there anymore. Hope I could help you. Good luck.

you have to build a directory named "sketchbook" or "sketches".

No that is not right.

Thanks! I got it to work. I I relocated the SDFat library and it worked. Thanks again!