Search feature not working

Vast improvement in the forum functions just overnight! Good job!

But the search function does not work. No matter what I search for, it returns no results. I have resorted to using Google searches, like this;

ethernet test SPI

Not my favorite way of searching the forum, but better than nothing in the mean time.

I see the search kinda works now using Google, but I sure do miss the old format forum search. I could find stuff much faster using it rather than Google.

Thanks for all the work you have put in so far. A vast improvement over the initial release of the new forum software.

Where is the forum search function? The Google search is not acceptable.

I recall the admins saying the Google search is a temporary thing. The forum search should be back soon.

What is wrong with it, bad results? It sure is faster than the system used on the old forum.

The old system was so bad it was unusable IMHO. The new forum just returned no results, until they switched it to Google as an interim measure.

Hi Nick. Thanks for replying.

I think the old forum search was not great, but much better than the results I now get from Google. I can't find any of my previous posts like I could before. It just sends me to my forum profile so I can search through over 6000 of my previous posts. :frowning:

If I wanted to use Google, I would use Google. I know how to use it. I would like to see the forum search back, at least like it was before the "upgrade" so I have a choice.

Any idea how close we are to getting the forum search working?

Other forums have advanced search features that can search for key words posted by specific persons, in specific discussion areas, and the ability to sort oldest/newest orders. Something like that would be nice for this forum.

Something like that would be nice for this forum.

Yep. As an example, zoomkat has posted code that lets the Arduino with Ethernet shield be both a client and a server. Now, when someone asks how to do that, I should be able to tell them to search using "client and server" by "zoomkat", and not have to see all his servo code. Or his defense of the String class. 8)

I never found the old search system useful so I have not tried the new system.

Just out of curiosity I tried Google with client server zoomkat and it looks like it may have worked.

I have certainly found some of my own stuff that way in the past.

Nowadays I just bookmark more stuff.


Hi Nick. Thanks for replying.


Any idea how close we are to getting the forum search working?

No idea. Other things are taking a while.


The old forum search can slow down more the already not fast forum engine. We prefer to keep Google Search until some perfomance issues are solved.



The old forum search can slow down more the already not fast forum engine. We prefer to keep Google Search until some perfomance issues are solved.


My grandmother used to say "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all", but sometimes you have to say something, nice or not.

It seems like this "upgrade" (using that word now in the loosest sense) is more "newer" than "better".

Just my opinion...

edit: I'm not blaming the Arduino crew, except for the fact they should have tested this new version a little better. I am pointing the finger at the forum software developer. Can you guess which finger? :wink:

I am pointing the finger at the forum software developer.

I wonder how other people use the software who are probably less computer savvy than the Arduino team.

Or is that the problem?


Just out of interest, according to my admin link, this is the current forum software version:

Version Information:
Forum version: SMF 2.1 Beta 1
Current SMF version: ??

We appear to have migrated to a Beta version of the forum.


Live from Simple Machines...
You are unable to connect to's latest news file.

Why not, I wonder?

Why would a live and very popular forum migrate to a Beta version? Is this the old Microsoft trick of getting all your users to be beta testers :slight_smile:


Current SMF version: ??

It literally says that.

Was it always SMF or was it somethign else before?

It was SMF. Version 1.something.