Send and Receive SMS issues.

I have been trying to get my GSM shield "M10" to get working for a few days now and am having a heck of a time. This issue could be my carrier, but I'll let the pros chime in first before I make any decisions.

First off, I get messages from my carrier AT&T for example: resetting my password today and activating, when running the receive sms sketch today. I was able to get my password reset and have them sms me strangely, but can't send from phone nor receive.

SMS Messages Sender
0 9>AT%13%%13%%10%OK%13%%10%
9 61>AT+CGREG?%13%%13%%10%+CGREG: 0,2%13%%10%%13%%10%OK%13%%10%%254%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%
86 66>AT+CGREG?%13%%13%%10%+CGREG: 0,2%13%%10%%13%%10%OK%13%%10%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%254%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%
85 125>%254%AT+CGREG?%13%%13%%10%+CGREG: 0,1%13%%10%%13%%10%OK%13%%10%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%
125 14>AT+IFC=1,1%13%%13%%10%OK%13%%10%
14 32>%19%%17%AT+CMGF=1%13%%13%%10%OK%13%%10%
32 48>AT+CLIP=1%13%%13%%10%OK%13%%10%
48 59>ATE0%13%%13%%10%OK%13%%10%
59 65>%13%%10%OK%13%%10%
GSM initialized
Enter a mobile number: *********
Now, enter SMS content: SENDING

hello world

65 69>%13%%10%>
65 12>%13%%10%> %254%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%248%%13%%10%+CMGS: 5%13%%10%%13%%10%OK%13%%10%


Enter a mobile number:

yet, still nothing happens.

So I can receive messages from network provider but cant from my cell.
1)I tried the telefonica, no luck
2)now using at&t with local number kinda better luck.

Any ideas?

Only thing I see that is funny is the CREG command, but that looks like normal code to get according to people, but the manual says the first 0 means : Disable network registration unsolicited result code.

Thanks in advance


Hi Riley, sorry to hear about that issue. You should check out Neo: The Intelligent IoT Network | Aeris

It's a new online store for sims and cellular connectivity for IoT projects and M2M communications. Arduinos definitely work for these sims so long as you are using them in the US. Good luck! Let me know id you have any issues!