Sending data to web server

I'm using Arduino Yun and I want to be able to transfer files from the Linux side to an Apache Server. I'm running WAMP server which will receive the data. I know I can do this using the Bridge library. The problem is that I'm transferring both a text file and an image stored inside the SD card. I tried using python and following the tutorials I found online to transfer data to a server. However when I run the program it works but the file does not appear on the server.I'm just starting with python so there is no much I can do with it. Any suggestions on this approach?

::::SNIP:::: However when I run the program it works but the file does not appear on the server.I'm just starting with python so there is no much I can do with it. Any suggestions on this approach?

start by posting your code that does the upload. Please use markup when posting the code.

