Sensor AS3935

Hello. I wanted to buy a AS3935 sensor to make a lightning detector but I have a problem. I did the download of the library AS3935 in the When I compile the example that comes in the library the following error appears:
'AS3935' does not name a type to
LightningDetector: 48: error: 'AS3935' does not name a type
LightningDetector.pde: In function 'void setup ()':
LightningDetector: 64: error: 'AS3935' was not declared in this scope
LightningDetector.pde: In function 'void loop ()':
LightningDetector: 102: error: 'AS3935' was not declared in this scope
LightningDetector.pde: In function 'void printAS3935Registers ()':
LightningDetector: 130: error: 'AS3935' was not declared in this scope
Can someone help me?

Can someone help me?

Those messages indicate that you did not download the library, or that you did not install it in the right place, or that you did not restart the IDE after downloading and installing the library. We can't tell which step you failed on.

hello. I installed the library in the right place and made the download correctly. donwload the library and put it in library folder and run the program. is easier for you to see the errors
best regards

The errors all tell you the same thing. The compiler cannot see the library. It is not there, or in the wrong place.

then why do not you download the library and try to see what happens when they run the program? These responses are funny. try and take a look.

then why do not you download the library and try to see what happens when they run the program?

I did. I got one error message:

Binary sketch size: 7,492 bytes (of a 258,048 byte maximum)

Bottom line: You screwed something up.

sorry but do not understand. the program worked or not?

which version of Arduino you wear?

the program worked or not?

It compiled. It linked. It uploaded. Send me your sensor, and I'll actually test it.

I do not have the sensor. I first wanted to see if the program worked for then buy the sensor. I live in Portugal ..... it's hard to send a sensor.

if I can not compile the program for the arduino will not buy the sensor because it costs 40euros

if I can not compile the program for the arduino will not buy the sensor because it costs 40euros

If you download the library (I did), install it in the right place (I did), and restart the IDE (I did), you will be able to compile and link the program.

That you can't means that you did not perform one of the three simple steps. Now, instead of whining about the cost of the sensor and the difficulty of getting one, tell us what you actually did.

what do you mean restart the IDE? I do not understand

I downloaded the library and placed in the library folder of the arduino. then go to Sketch> Import Library.
that's not how I do?

you can see

You have to stop the Arduino IDE, and restart it, in order for it to see new libraries.

I put two images. you can see? this is what happens

that's not how I do?

No. The zip file contains a folder called AS3935-Arduino-Library-master, which contains a folder called AS3935. It is the AS3935 that should be put in the libraries folder in the sketch folder, not the AS3935-Arduino-Library-master folder.


that's not how I do?

No. The zip file contains a folder called AS3935-Arduino-Library-master, which contains a folder called AS3935. It is the AS3935 that should be put in the libraries folder in the sketch folder, not the AS3935-Arduino-Library-master folder.

PaulS thank you very much!! already works now. you are the best thanks XD