Sequential LEDS + Fading LEDS programming help!


I just bought a Arduino Uno a couple days ago and I've been working on a project where there are 9 LEDS in total and want 3 to be pulsing in and out but the other 6 moving down a line so they are moving in a sense. Since I have limited experience in c++, does anyone have any advice to achieve these 2 loops simultaneously? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your time!

You haven't given us much to work on. Have you got a circuit diagram? Have you got any code?

Look at the BlinkWithoutDelay sketch example that comes with the IDE.


how do you want your leds to fade?

I have found this in the forum

the leds fade nicely to me

int value, value2 ;
int ledpin = 10;                           
int ledpin2 = 11;                          
long time=0;

int periode = 2000;
int displace = 500;

void setup() 
  // nothing for setup 

void loop() 
  time = millis();
  value = 128+127*cos(2*PI/periode*time);
  value2 = 128+127*cos(2*PI/periode*(displace-time));
  analogWrite(ledpin, value);           // sets the value (range from 0 to 255) 
  analogWrite(ledpin2, value2);           // sets the value (range from 0 to 255) 