To avoid re-flash your Arduino sketch every time you need to change a variable you can use the Keyboard Navigation keys/Cursor Control Keys to change some variables.
You can do this using the arrows in your keyboard and catching the codes read in the serial input.
Most of the keys use only 1 byte to identify its value/code, others keys use 3 or 4 bytes, for these case when they use more than 1 byte we only do a left shift and add the next byte, after that we compare it with known values of the Arrows in the keyboard.
When a key is valid do your task.
Cursor control keys
Navigation keys
Use this example code to do that, paste this in your main file, name it: ESP32_C3_KB_Commands_01.
#include <Arduino.h>
// This function must be located in the main file project to be able retunr its name.
inline const char* getProjectName(void) //
{ // Se usa strrchr, porque en el ESP32 la constante __FILE__ entrega el nombre con la ruta del archivo.
return strrchr(__FILE__, '\\') + 1; // return the last ocurrency of char '\' plus 1, a partir de ahi esta el nombre del archivo.
void setup()
delay( 3000 ); // power-up safety delay
void loop()
// Other main tasks.
// End of file.
And this in another file, name it "Serial_Commands.ino":
#define VOLUME_MAX 10
#define VOLUME_MIN 0
#define BIRGHT_MAX 32
#define BIRGHT_MIN 8
uint32_t kb_cmd;
bool mContinuous_Receiveing_flag;
uint8_t mVolume = 5;
uint8_t mBright = 16;
inline void Commands_main(void)
if (Serial.available() > 0)
char inChar =;
if (mContinuous_Receiveing_flag)
kb_cmd <<= 8;
kb_cmd |= inChar;
kb_cmd = 0;
kb_cmd |= inChar;
if ( mContinuous_Receiveing_flag && is_KB_Cmd(kb_cmd) ) // Only for complex commands
kb_cmd = 0;
else if (!mContinuous_Receiveing_flag && kb_cmd == '0')
Serial.printf("\r\nProject name: [%s]\r\n", getProjectName() );
else if (!mContinuous_Receiveing_flag && kb_cmd == '1')
Serial.printf("\r\nCommand: [%c]", inChar); // print inChar as character.
// code block
else if (!mContinuous_Receiveing_flag && kb_cmd == '2')
Serial.printf("\r\nCommand: [%c]", inChar); // print inChar as character.
// code block
else if (!mContinuous_Receiveing_flag && kb_cmd == '3')
Serial.printf("\r\nCommand: [%c]", inChar); // print inChar as character.
// code block
// Do nothing.
Serial.print("."); // No command indicator, or not implemented.
// Serial.printf("\r\n Invalid command: {%X}", inChar); // print inChar as hex number, uncomment to see the input value.
mContinuous_Receiveing_flag = true;
mContinuous_Receiveing_flag = false;
bool is_KB_Cmd(uint32_t data)
bool result;
case 0x001B5B41:
// code block
mVolume = (mVolume < VOLUME_MAX)?++mVolume:VOLUME_MAX;
Serial.printf("\r\nKB command: [%s], Volume: %d\r\n", "Up", mVolume);
result = true;
case 0x001B5B42:
// code block
mVolume = (mVolume > VOLUME_MIN)?--mVolume:VOLUME_MIN;
Serial.printf("\r\nKB command: [%s], Volume: %d\r\n", "Down", mVolume);
result = true;
case 0x001B5B43:
// code block
mBright = (mBright < BIRGHT_MAX)?++mBright:BIRGHT_MAX;
Serial.printf("\r\nKB command: [%s], Bright: %d\r\n", "Right", mBright);
result = true;
case 0x001B5B44:
// code block
mBright = (mBright > BIRGHT_MIN)?--mBright:BIRGHT_MIN;
Serial.printf("\r\nKB command: [%s], Bright: %d\r\n", "Left", mBright);
result = true;
case 0x1B5B357E: // Page Up
// code block
Serial.printf("\r\nKB command: [%s]\r\n", "Page Up");
result = true;
case 0x1B5B367E: // Page Down
// code block
Serial.printf("\r\nKB command: [%s]\r\n", "Page Down");
result = true;
case 0x1B5B317E: // Home
// code block
Serial.printf("\r\nKB command: [%s]\r\n", "Home");
result = true;
case 0x1B5B347E: // End
// code block
Serial.printf("\r\nKB command: [%s]\r\n", "End");
result = true;
// code block
result = false;
return result;
// End of file.
Changing a variable value in the terminal with the arrows keys.
That's it, use the arrows in your keyboard to see how a variable can be changed.
Jose Luis