Serial library question

Tell me pls. Is Serial lib interrupt based ?
And what happen if i define my own ISR (USART_RX_vect) + Serial.begin(9600) in " void setup()" routine?

Thanks for answers!!

Tell me pls. Is Serial lib interrupt based ?

Yes. Both incoming and outgoing.

And what happen if i define my own ISR (USART_RX_vect)

If you have to ask, I'd venture to say "Nothing good".

And where I can define (or just to see) size of incoming serial buffer ?

Have you looked in HardwareSerial.h?

Size of buffers is defined in HardwreSerial.cpp.


If you have to ask, I'd venture to say "Nothing good".


Yes, the serial lib is interrupt based. The sourcecode is located in
[arduino lib]\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino\HardwareSerial.cpp and HardwareSerial.h
If you supply your own ISR (USART_RX_vect) the you will have to handle the received chars. (The lib routine will store it in a ring buffer unless there is a parity error)

As far as i can it sould work setting the baudrate by calling Serial.begin even if you replace the ISR for receiving

edit: have a look here:

You can't define your own ISR(USART_RX_vect) unless you first prevent HardwarSerial from defining its version.

You could modify the HarwdwareSerial to call your code instead of its own. I was experimenting with that here - but with IDE 1.5.6

You need to modify Arduino.h if you want to stop HardwareSerial being included.
