Serial Monitor not opening?!

Hey Folks, Weird one for you, when I try and open my serial Monitor it just gets stuck on Connecting to Arduino. I can upload code fine and everything else works, I just cant see my prints! pls help! have exhausted google and chatgpt. nothing seems to refer to it getting hung up on connecting!

As your screenshot shows IDE 2.x, your topic has been moved.

I unfortunately do not have a solution.

Can you provide some information that might help others to help you?

  1. What is the serial-to-usb converter on your board? (CH340, 16U2, CP...).
  2. Which operating system?
  3. What does your operating system think of your board?
  4. Did it ever work? If yes, what changed?

I have the same problem. Using IDE 2.3.0, Arduino UNO, Win 10.

Problem is intermittent - sometimes can recover by re-plugging the USB port, other times have to close and reload the sketch.

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