Serial output from serial and buttons are not the same (can't use libraries))

Hello everybody,

I have a problem with the numbers displayed on my three 7 segment displays.
For context I have a project that consists of building a thermometer. The main functions are buttons(), calsius(), fahrenheit() and the loop. I might have variables that aren't used, but they will be gone by the time the project is done.

unsigned long ctimeS;
unsigned long ptimeS = 0;
int timeS = 5;
String serial;
#include <string.h>
//leds 7 segment display 
#define A 7
#define B 6
#define C 4
#define D 3
#define E 2
#define F 8
#define G 9
#define Dp 5

//7 segment displays
#define display1 10
#define display2 11
#define display3 13
int h;

#define change A5
bool Change = false;
int counterCF = 0;
#define plus A3
bool Plus = false;
#define min A2
bool Min = false;
#define buzzer A1
bool Buzzer = false;
float buzzT = 10.0;
float Serial_Temp_C, Passing_Temp, Temp_C_or_F, Temp, NUM, x, BuzzT;

unsigned long ctime, ptime = 0, ctimeC, ptimeC = 0, ctimeF, ptimeF = 0;

#define LMT86 A0
float sensorValue;

int ScounterCF = 0; //counter for switch from celsius to fahreneheit and opposite

unsigned long const debounceDuration = 500; //interval

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  //Leds segment display
  Serial.setTimeout(10); //this will stop everything in serial to give you, and check, the infromation
  pinMode(A, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(C, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(E, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(F, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(G, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Dp, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(change, INPUT);
  pinMode(plus, INPUT);
  pinMode(min, INPUT);
  pinMode(buzzer, INPUT);

  pinMode(display1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(display2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(display3, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  Passing_Temp = Temp_C_or_F;
  BuzzT = buzzT;

  if(Serial.available() > 0){ //if number of bytes is greater than 0 read the string
  serial = Serial.readStringUntil("\n");
  if(serial == "cel"){
  else if(serial == "fahr"){
  else if(serial == "threshold"){
    //Switch to threshold changer
  else if(serial == "plus"){
    //temp +0.5
  else if(serial == "minus"){
    //temp -0.5
    Serial.println("Not a correct string. Choose from cel, fahr, threshold, plus and minus!");

void buttons(){
  ctime = millis();
  if(ctime - ptime >= debounceDuration){
    if(digitalRead(change) == true){
      //change from c to f or f to c
      if(ScounterCF%2 == 0){
        ptime = ctime;
      else if(ScounterCF%2 == 1){
        ptime = ctime;
      Change = true;
      Buzzer = false;
      Plus = false;
      Min = false;
    else if(digitalRead(plus) == true){
      //increase limit +0,5 
      Change = false;
      Plus = true;
      Buzzer = true;
      ptime = ctime;
    else if(digitalRead(min) == true){
      //decrease limit -0,5
      Change = false;
      Buzzer = true;
      Min = true;
      ptime = ctime;
    else if(digitalRead(buzzer) == true){
      //do something with the buzzer
      Change = false;
      Buzzer = true;
      ptime = ctime;

void which(){
  if (((Change == true) && (Buzzer == false)) || serial == "cel" || serial == "fahr"){
  else if(((Buzzer == true) && (Change == false)) || serial == "plus" || serial == "minus" || serial == "threshold"){

void tone(){
  if(buzzT > Passing_Temp){
    tone(buzzer, 1000);

void buzzing(){
  if(Plus == true || serial == "plus"){
    buzzT += 0.5;
    Plus = false;
    serial = "threshold";
  else if(Min == true || serial == "minus"){
    buzzT -= 0.5;
    Min = false;
    serial = "threshold";
  else if(Buzzer == true || serial == "threshold"){

void Stemp(){
  if(serial == "cel"){
     sensorValue = analogRead(LMT86); //read value of analogpin
     float voltageC = (sensorValue*5/1024.0);
     voltageC *= 1000;
     //Temp_C_or_F = voltageC - 2100; // 2100 comes from datasheet and is mV when 0 °C
     //Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F*50; // 50 is the max range (0 to 50 °C) and -442 is mV from T1 - mv from T2
     //Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F/(-442.0);

     Temp_C_or_F = sqrt(pow(-10.888,2) + 4*0.00347*(1777.3 - voltageC));
     Temp_C_or_F = (10.888 - Temp_C_or_F)/(2*-0.00347); 
     Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F + 30;
     Temp_C_or_F = round(Temp_C_or_F * 10);
     Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F/10;
     ptimeC = ctimeC;

     Serial.print("Temperature in Celsius: ");
     Serial.println(" °C");
  else if(serial == "fahr"){
     sensorValue = analogRead(LMT86); //read value of analogpin
     float voltageF = (sensorValue*5/1024.0);
     voltageF *= 1000;
     //Temp_C_or_F = voltageF - 2100;
     //Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F*50;
     //Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F/(-442.0);
     Temp_C_or_F = sqrt(pow(-10.888,2) + 4*0.00347*(1777.3 - voltageF));
     Temp_C_or_F = (10.888 - Temp_C_or_F)/(2*-0.00347); 
     Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F + 30;
     Temp_C_or_F = (Temp_C_or_F*9/5) + 32;
     Temp_C_or_F = round(Temp_C_or_F*10);
     Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F/10;
     ptimeF = ctimeF;

     Serial.print("Temperature in Fahrenheit: ");
     Serial.println(" °F");

void celsius(){
  ctimeC = millis();
  if(ctimeC - ptimeC >= debounceDuration){
    sensorValue = analogRead(LMT86); //read value of analogpin
    float voltageC = (sensorValue*5/1024.0);
    voltageC *= 1000;
    //Temp_C_or_F = voltageC - 2100; // 2100 comes from datasheet and is mV when 0 °C
    //Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F*50; // 50 is the max range (0 to 50 °C) and -442 is mV from T1 - mv from T2
    //Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F/(-442.0);

    Temp_C_or_F = sqrt(pow(-10.888,2) + 4*0.00347*(1777.3 - voltageC));
    Temp_C_or_F = (10.888 - Temp_C_or_F)/(2*-0.00347); 
    Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F + 30;
    Temp_C_or_F = round(Temp_C_or_F * 10);
    Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F/10;
    ptimeC = ctimeC;

    Serial.print("Temperature in Celsius: ");
    Serial.println(" °C");

void fahrenheit(){
  ctimeF = millis();
  if(ctimeF - ptimeF >= debounceDuration){
    sensorValue = analogRead(LMT86); //read value of analogpin
    float voltageF = (sensorValue*5/1024.0);
    voltageF *= 1000;
    //Temp_C_or_F = voltageF - 2100;
    //Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F*50;
    //Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F/(-442.0);
    Temp_C_or_F = sqrt(pow(-10.888,2) + 4*0.00347*(1777.3 - voltageF));
    Temp_C_or_F = (10.888 - Temp_C_or_F)/(2*-0.00347); 
    Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F + 30;
    Temp_C_or_F = (Temp_C_or_F*9/5) + 32;
    Temp_C_or_F = round(Temp_C_or_F*10);
    Temp_C_or_F = Temp_C_or_F/10;
    ptimeF = ctimeF;

    Serial.print("Temperature in Fahrenheit: ");
    Serial.println(" °F");

void number(float x){
  x = x*10;
  int NUM = int(x);
  h = NUM/100;
  digitalWrite(display3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Dp, LOW);
  digitalWrite(display3, LOW);

  h = (NUM%100)/10;
  digitalWrite(display1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Dp, LOW);
  digitalWrite(display1, LOW);

  h = NUM%10;
  digitalWrite(display2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Dp, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(display2, LOW);


void ghost() {
  digitalWrite(A, LOW);
  digitalWrite(B, LOW);
  digitalWrite(C, LOW);
  digitalWrite(D, LOW);
  digitalWrite(E, LOW);
  digitalWrite(F, LOW);
  digitalWrite(G, LOW);  

void segments(int num){
  ctimeS = millis();
  if(ctimeS - ptimeS >= timeS){
    case 0:
  digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(G, LOW);

    case 1:
  digitalWrite(A, LOW);
  digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(D, LOW);
  digitalWrite(E, LOW);
  digitalWrite(F, LOW);
  digitalWrite(G, LOW);

    case 2:
  digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(C, LOW);
  digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(F, LOW);
  digitalWrite(G, HIGH);

    case 3:
  digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(E, LOW);
  digitalWrite(F, LOW);
  digitalWrite(G, HIGH);

    case 4:
  digitalWrite(A, LOW);
  digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(D, LOW);
  digitalWrite(E, LOW);
  digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(G, HIGH);

    case 5:
  digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(B, LOW);
  digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(E, LOW);
  digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(G, HIGH);

    case 6:
  digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(B, LOW);
  digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(G, HIGH);

    case 7:
  digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(D, LOW);
  digitalWrite(E, LOW);
  digitalWrite(F, LOW);
  digitalWrite(G, LOW);

    case 8:
  digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(G, HIGH);

    case 9:
  digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(E, LOW);
  digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
  ptimeS = ctimeS;

Now the problem lies when I display the output on the displays. When I run the code by using the serial communication it always gives me a number higher than when i press on the dedicated button (change A5). I am wondering if I did something wrong with the code and if someone can help I would greatly appreciate it.


sensorValue: 394.00
Temperature in Celsius: 16.50 °C
sensorValue: 395.00
Temperature in Fahrenheit: 60.90 °F

sensorValue: 387.00
Temperature in Celsius: 19.60 °C
sensorValue: 387.00
Temperature in Fahrenheit: 67.40 °F

sensorValue: 393.00
Temperature in Celsius: 16.90 °C
sensorValue: 395.00
Temperature in Fahrenheit: 60.90 °F

sensorValue: 389.00
Temperature in Celsius: 18.70 °C
sensorValue: 390.00

where cel or fahr is written is from serial comm and the 2 lines below are the outputs of serial comm
when only sensorValue and Temperature in Celsius or fahrenheit is written is from pressing the button;

this is my schematic of the project

Maybe not the cause of the problem byt definitely a bug. == is for compare, = is for assignment.

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yep i saw that thanks for pointing it out (I updated the code)

And… you still have the exact same issue(s)?

One thing that has kept my brain from digging in is your use of temp and Temp as variable names. Neither is that great, who cares, but together it gets me a little (more) confused.


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I will update that in a bit, but the problem still persist. I even separated the calcs for serial comm and buttons, but nothing has changed
edit i will notify you with a like probably when i change it

I used a pot instead of the temperature sensor.

To facilitate our help, post the schematic, (wiring diagram), of your project.

okay i updated the code and put my schematic
when i try yours the serial comm and buttons are the same value. maybe interference when i push on the button?

Can you elaborate more on what you call the difference?

The difference in the value of the sensorValue variable or

difference in the calculation with the same sensorValue value?

i don't understand what you mean by difference as i did not mention it.
but my problem is that when I type in cel is serial comm it shows a different number than when i push on the button responsible for displaying the temperature. the sensorValue is different, but i dont know why it is

output for sensorValue:

SensorValue: 395.00
Temperature in Celsius: 16.00 °C
SensorValue: 397.00
Temperature in Fahrenheit: 59.20 °F
SensorValue: 399.00
Temperature in Celsius: 14.20 °C
SensorValue: 395.00
Temperature in Fahrenheit: 60.90 °F
SensorValue: 388.00
Temperature in Celsius: 19.20 °C
SensorValue: 388.00
Temperature in Celsius: 19.20 °C
SensorValue: 388.00
Temperature in Celsius: 19.20 °C
SensorValue: 388.00

May be.
If your temperature sensor is sensitive to variations in the 5V supply then this could be the problem.

Analyze its datasheet to see how it reacts to variations in supply voltage.

Are you using a module or a discreet LMT86DCK?

in the datasheet it says that the range is from 2.2 to 5.5V so it should work

i am using a discreet lmt86
i will try another sensor to see if it works maybe mine is faulty

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