Serial.print is encoded in something

I have a Plusivo ESP2866 development board.
I want to try out project 16 (Control an LED from web), but using the EXACT SAME CODE, instead of a normal text output, it gives me this (as an example): �HQʸ>dIY�4Cl�$`A�l$hr�9���


   Lesson 16: Control an LED from web
   The code below is created for the lesson "Control an LED from web"
   where you will connect to a WiFi network and host a simple website.
   The code consists of 3, main, custom functions used to connect to the
   WiFi ( "connectToWiFi()"), to setup the server ("setupServer()"),
   and a function that sends a message to the browser ("htmlIndex()"); 

   Also we defined a new function to control the led.
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>

const char* ssid = "Square's iPhone";
const char* password = "(my password)";

//create a new object ESP8266WebServer
//the parameter "80" represent the port that the board listens to.
//if you use a port different than 80, you need to be sure you access it  
//correctly from the browser.
//For example:
//if the ip is and the port is 2093, you have to access 
//the following address: ""
ESP8266WebServer server(80);

//the int variable "LED" stores the pin used by the LED
const int LED = D6;

String storage = "";

//the page variable is used to store the message sent to the

//below you can find the html page
//more details about the html page can be found in the guide
String page =
<html lang='en'>
        <title>Play with an LED</title>
        <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'>
        <link rel='stylesheet' href=''/>
        <link rel='stylesheet' href=''/>
        <script src=''></script>
                color: orange;
                color: black;
    <div class='container-fluid text-center'>
        <div class='row text-center'>
            <div class='col-sm-12' style='color:red;font-size:7vh'>
                <p>Let's play with a bulb.</p>
        <div class='row'>
            <div  class='col-sm-12'>
                <i id='id_bulb' class='fas fa-lightbulb css_off' style='font-size:25vh'></i>
        <div class='row'>
            <div  class='col-sm-12' style='font-size:7vh'>
                <p>Click the button:</p>
        <div class='row'>
            <div  class='col-sm-12'>
                <input type='button' class='btn btn-primary' id='id_button' value='Off'  style='font-size:7vh'>
            var current_state = $("#id_bulb").hasClass("css_off");
            if(current_state == true)
                  type: 'POST',
                  data: {state: "On"},
                  type: 'POST',
                  data: {state: "Off"},

//the led() function is used to turn On and Off the LED
void led()
  //server.arg(name) returns the value (as string) of the argument "name"
  storage = server.arg("state");
  //if the value returned is "On", we will turn On the LED
  //else, we will turn Off the LED
  if(storage == "On")
    //turn On the LED
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
    //turn Off the LED
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

  //send a message to the user
   server.send(200,"text/html", "ok");

//the htmlIndex() is called everytime somebody access the address
//of the board in the browser and sends back a message.
void htmlIndex() 
  //send the message to the user
  server.send(200, "text/html", page);

//connectToWiFi() is used to connect to the WiFi network
//using the SSID and PASSWORD variables created at the
//beginning of the code
void connectToWiFi()
  Serial.print("Connecting to the WiFi");
  //set the WiFi mode to WiFi_STA.
  //the WiFi_STA means that the board will act as a station,
  //similar to a smartphone or laptop

  //connect to the WiFi network using the ssid and password strings
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  //below we check the status of the WiFi and wait until the
  //board is connected to the network
  Serial.print("Waiting for connection");
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  //when the board is successfully connected to the network,
  //display the IP assigned to it in the serial monitor.
  Serial.print("wrConnected to ");
  Serial.print("IP address: ");

//setupServer() function is used to set up and organise
//the website
void setupServer()
  //the method "server.on()" is to call a function when
  //the user access the location
  //the default location is "/"
  server.on("/", htmlIndex);
  server.on("/led", led);

  //start the server
  //print in Serial Monitor that the HTTP server is started
  Serial.print("HTTP server started");

void setup() 
  //the following instruction initialise the pin stored in the
  //variable motorspeed_pin(also the variable direction_pin) as OUTPUT
  //this intruction lowers the impedance of the pin so it can provide
  //a higher current to other components.
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

  //start the Serial communication at 115200 bits/s
  //wait 1 s until the Serial communication is started
  //call the two functions used to connect connect to wifi
  //and setup the server

  //wait 4 s for the server to start

void loop()
  //the method below is used to manage the incoming requests 
  //from the user

What is it encoded with I don't know, but I sure can't read it!

here's a photo too

It might help to match the serial speed up in the program AND the terminal.

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Your code sets the baud at 115200, the terminal is set for 9600


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