I am transmitting 8 bytes through serialwrite. In the receiving end , what software is best suitable to view and organize data frames. Any code available?
what software is best suitable to view and organize data frames.
Define what you mean by "best"
What software are you familiar with ?
I am a newbie, I am unsure which front end software to use to re-organize the byte streams
front end
Front end of what?
I mean front end software running in PC to collect serial data streams from arduino and organize
front end software running in PC
You could look at Processing perhaps?
Or Python....
Or anything really: all the Arduino does is send serial data. So if your PC can access its serial port, it's up to you to handle it.
It's not like it's "Arduino data" in any way, it's just "data"
This Simple Python - Arduino demo may be of interest.
If you are using Windows I believe it will work if you modify the serial port references.