Servo and arduino nano external power


Quick question, Can I use an external power to power an arduino nano and a MG996 servo motor at the same time? I´d use a 5V-1A charger from the wall, connecting the positive side to the Vin of the arduino.

Something like this.

Or do you think this might fry the arduino?

Thank you,

It will just not work (at least reliably).

Input Voltage (limit) 6-20V

5V should be fed into VCC not VIN.

Okay thank you!

So there won't be any problem if I power the arduino using the 5V pin and at the same time powering the servo? I don't want to fry anything and I'm not really an expert with electronics.
Thank you!

Depending on the current draw of the servo and the real-world capabilities of you wall wart,
it could be possible to have the Arduino reset due to voltage breakdowns.

I doubt there will be any danger to the Nano by running it from the same supply.
I got my last Nano for €1.75, so the risk is pretty small anyway.

So there won't be any problem if I power the arduino using the 5V pin and at the same time powering the servo?

This is not a good idea. As Whandall says above, you probably won't damage the Nano, but the electrical noise generated by the servo motor will probably cause program malfunction.

So I should use two different external powers for the arduino and the servo?

Thank you!

That would be the best solution.

Thank you!