Shift register with memory

Is there shift register with PWM that I can first setup with different output pin states and then just quickly switch to different states, instead of having to push all the data to the register every time I need to change the output pin state?

Thanks, Jarkko

Sure - but they're called microcontrollers 8)

I have not seen a chip like you are after.

Thanks for the reply! I looked at Atmega32 and it seems a bit heavy duty for something I'm planning to do. I want to control bunch of LEDs but need to do this very quickly, so using something like an array of TLC5940's with Arduino doesn't quite cut it. I'm basically looking to update ~1000 RGB LEDs at ~10,000 times/sec with 8-bit PWM data, so that means >200Mbits/s data transfer rate.

That much, you need to spread the workload out.
Several uCs driving some # of PWM chips, send out messages to each commanding what to output.

TLC5940 is 12 bit, 16 channel and has 30MHz interface rate.

WS2803 (18 IO channels vs 16 of TLC5940) is 8 bit, and 25 MHz.