Short Introduction by Manav Gangwani to Arduino Community

Hello, my name is Manav Gangwani I'm a developer from Bangalore, and I specialize in creating robust software solutions that cater to diverse technological needs. My passion lies in crafting efficient code and implementing innovative solutions to solve complex problems. With a keen interest in emerging technologies, I am constantly honing my skills to stay at the forefront of the industry. My experience spans various domains, from web development to mobile applications, ensuring versatile proficiency in delivering high-quality software products.
Glad to be part of this community, hope I learn and share my knowledge with others related to technology.

Thanks and Regards,
Manav Gangwani

Hi @manavgangwani and welcome to the forum.

I read your introduction and I was wondering if you have heard of the game called "buzzword bingo"? If not, maybe you could ask your AI friend about it. :wink:

But seriously, you may think you know about "crafting efficient code" but using basic microcontrollers will introduce you to a whole new meaning of efficiency, when you will probably have only 2KB of RAM, 32KB of program storage and a single core 8-bit, 16MHz CPU. It will be a new adventure!

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