You have some code that you haven't posted. You have some hardware connected to the Arduino in mysterious ways. The code does something that is a deep, dark secret. You expect it to do something that is equally mysterious.
@PaulS If you don't know how to help at least save your ironic comment to yourself.
Ok I'll try to simplify my question:
I want to use this library but instead of three slide 5kohm potentiometers i want to use three load cells (with hx711 amp):
Jens Arduino Pedals
// This car simulator pedals program have gas, brake and clutch to connect to usb port.
// No extra drives need to be installed in windows to get this to work.
// For more information how to connect and get this to work go too
// NOTE: This file is for use with Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro only.
// Arduino Micro only.
// To get this program to work you need GPLv3 joystick libary from
// GitHub - MHeironimus/ArduinoJoystickLibrary at version-2.0
// by Jens Söderström
// 2016-11-01
#include <Joystick.h>
// Variable
int gas = A0;
int brake = A1;
int clutch = A2;
int gasValue = 0;
int gasValuebyte = 0;
int brakeValue = 0;
int brakeValuebyte1 = 0;
int brakeValuebyte2 = 0;
int clutchValue = 0;
int clutchValuebyte1 = 0;
int clutchValuebyte2 = 0;