Sim racing load cell pedals HX711 arduino leonardo

Hi all,

I'm new to the forum and need some help with my DIY project.

I'm building sim racing pedals set (throttle, break and clutch), similar to but with load cells.

I bought arduino leonardo and was able to connect first pedal (break) via hx711 to PC.

library used: GitHub - bogde/HX711: An Arduino library to interface the Avia Semiconductor HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) for Weight Scales.

I got connection and it works as a scale.

Now I would like to use it as a controller in Windows 10/64 as 3 seperate axis: X,Y,Z.

I've downloaded:

Windows recognized it as a game controller.

Now I need some help with connecting 3x hx711 (for each pedal).
I know I have to use is like in this tutorial:

but I'm not getting any signal. Probably I need to use both libraries: hx711 master and joystick3 and probably I've messed up the pin connection.

Can anybody help?

Can anybody help?

You have some code that you haven't posted. You have some hardware connected to the Arduino in mysterious ways. The code does something that is a deep, dark secret. You expect it to do something that is equally mysterious.

So, no, no one can help you.

@PaulS If you don't know how to help at least save your ironic comment to yourself.

Ok I'll try to simplify my question:

I want to use this library but instead of three slide 5kohm potentiometers i want to use three load cells (with hx711 amp):

Jens Arduino Pedals
// This car simulator pedals program have gas, brake and clutch to connect to usb port.
// No extra drives need to be installed in windows to get this to work.
// For more information how to connect and get this to work go too
// NOTE: This file is for use with Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro only.
// Arduino Micro only.
// To get this program to work you need GPLv3 joystick libary from
// GitHub - MHeironimus/ArduinoJoystickLibrary at version-2.0
// by Jens Söderström
// 2016-11-01

#include <Joystick.h>

// Variable
int gas = A0;
int brake = A1;
int clutch = A2;
int gasValue = 0;
int gasValuebyte = 0;
int brakeValue = 0;
int brakeValuebyte1 = 0;
int brakeValuebyte2 = 0;
int clutchValue = 0;
int clutchValuebyte1 = 0;
int clutchValuebyte2 = 0;

// init joystick libary
void setup() {

void loop() {

// Gas
gasValue = analogRead(gas);
if (gasValue >= 1) {
gasValuebyte = gasValue / 4 ;
gasValuebyte = 0 ;

// Brake
brakeValue = analogRead(brake);
if (brakeValue >= 1) {
brakeValuebyte1 = brakeValue / 4;
brakeValuebyte2 = brakeValuebyte1 - 127;

brakeValuebyte2 = -127;

// Clutch
clutchValue = analogRead(clutch);
if (clutchValue >= 1) {
clutchValuebyte1 = clutchValue / 4;
clutchValuebyte2 = clutchValuebyte1 - 127;

clutchValuebyte2 = -127;

I want to use this library but instead of three slide 5kohm potentiometers i want to use three load cells (with hx711 amp)

So, what IS the problem? What have you tried to do? What have you actually connected to the Arduino? Where?

The program you incorrectly posted reads three analog pins. Reading three load cells instead should be trivial, if you know how to read one load cell.