Hey guys! Pleasure to partake in the arduino project. (btw - took like 7 attempts with the captchas oh my... crackin down even on the humans bahaha) Well, I finally gave in because my stk500 finally said goodbye ( =( RIP) BUT, I studied the arduino standard library.. oh my it's so intuitive and beautiful. I've been practicing the code while I wait for my arduino to arrive.
So I ordered an arduino uno r3 and a raspberry pi just to play around with some home automation..... Guys, I have this controller in my house that turns on all the lights in my room, and maybe you guys can help me operate this thing (I figure this makes things a lot simpler for now) For now I want to just want to turn all of the outlets on, then off in succession slowly (one per second) I figure that is an easy test before I get into more complex ideas like an Apache server on my raspberry pi....
So here is the controller:
(SORRY! I DON'T know why the picture is so large... that is my bad)
Hey guys! Pleasure to partake in the arduino project. (btw - took like 7 attempts with the captchas oh my... crackin down even on the humans bahaha)
Yes we are waiting for someone to use an Arduino to do the captchas for us.
HAHAHA! That would be amazing. I see somehow part of my post got cut off. I was originally trying to ask if anyone had advice on what to do? Should I just connect transistors to jump the switches or is there a method to work independent of the controller? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1HE0F18393
Here is the exact product, and it states 433.92 MHz frequency. I don't know much about wireless transfers unfortunately, maybe someone could point me in the right direction.
Fairly new to this myself but here's how I'd approach a problem like this.
There is basically 2 ways to do what you want - replicate the start point or replicate the end point.
Replicate the Start Point
In this case the user pressing the button starts the system, so replicate the button press with the Ardiuno. Sounds similar to my blog post here but you'll need to solder some wires across the buttons.
Replicate the End Point
When the button is pressed some magic happens and the end result occurs, in this case it is probably a signal being sent out at a certain frequency so replicate the frequency being sent out. Look at the parts on the remote and look them up online, their will probably be plenty of documentation on how to use them.
That's my thoughts anyway. The first method is probably easier but may destroy your remote, or at the very least mutilate it The second is harder but it more you 'doing it yourself' than relying on someone else's system.