single color 12v led.

Hi all, I'm new at Arduino and been learning a lot at the forum.
I need your help as i want to make a circuit with an arduino uno using a digital light intensity sensor module photorresistor (the one with three pins) to light up the strip led. I have the "two leg" photoresistor as well if is more easier. The strip led is a 12v single color (white ) not rgb nor adressable. I've been seaching for a few days, but I can t find any tutorial and the code for that. Any help? Thank you!

I've been seaching for a few days, but I can t find any tutorial and the code for that.

It is the same as this Overview | RGB LED Strips | Adafruit Learning System only instead of three lines the RGB to ground you only have one.


Because I need to use a photoresistor shoulnd be something like this?

Because I need to use a photoresistor should be something like this?

Yes, except that typical of "projects" posted in "instructables" by - I won't call them "rank amateurs" as "amateur" actually means only someone who does not do it commercially, as I do not - well then, rank beginners, it starts with a bad convention of connecting the LDR to Vcc: 5 V. :astonished:

You should connect the LDR - which may be at some distance from the Arduino - between pin and ground, and a pull-up resistor from the pin to 5 V. You may not need the pull-up resistor if you set pinMode to INPUT_PULLUP which is effectively a 47k resistor. Obviously, more light will give a lower analog value in this case.