hi im jonny.. im have problem about my project. i want to make interfaceing control RGB LED in arduino . and on/off with slider in processing . and im use library g4p from processing. for GUI .
so for on/off rgb led with button i have finish. but to control PWM i have problem.
this is my code
import processing.serial.*;
import g4p_controls.*;
import org.firmata.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
Arduino arduino;
int LED[] = {9,10,11};
int led[] = {0,1,2};
int c;
int value;
int x;
GButton btnRedOn,btnRedOff,btnGreenOn,btnGreenOff,btnBlueOn,btnBlueOff;
GCustomSlider sdrRed,sdrGreen,sdrBlue;
boolean state;
void setup(){
arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0], 57600);
for(int i=0;i<LED.length;i++){
arduino.pinMode(LED[i], arduino.OUTPUT);
//button Merah
btnRedOn = new GButton(this,width-100, 50, 30,20,"ON");
btnRedOff = new GButton(this,width-100, 70, 30,20,"OFF");
//button Hijau
btnGreenOn = new GButton(this,width-150, 100, 30,20,"ON");
btnGreenOff = new GButton(this,width-150, 120, 30,20,"OFF");
//button Biru
btnBlueOn = new GButton(this,width-200, 150, 30,20,"ON");
btnBlueOff = new GButton(this,width-200, 170, 30,20,"OFF");
sdrRed = new GCustomSlider(this,150,70,150,70,"red_yellow18px");
void draw(){
//on/off rgb each color its work ...
//for(int i=0;i<led.length;i++){
// arduino.digitalWrite(LED[led[i]], c);
// }
arduino.analogWrite(LED[led[0]. value); // a sample for control PWM for RED led in RGB.
c = arduino.HIGH;
c = arduino.LOW;
void handleButtonEvents(GButton button,GEvent event) {
for(int i=0;i<led.length;i++){
//led ON
if(this.btnRedOn == button && event == GEvent.CLICKED){
state = true;
led[i] = 0;
}else if (this.btnGreenOn == button && event == GEvent.CLICKED) {
state = true;
led[i] = 1 ;
}else if (this.btnBlueOn == button && event == GEvent.CLICKED) {
state = true;
led[i] = 2;
//led OFF
if(this.btnRedOff == button && event == GEvent.CLICKED){
state = false;
led[i] = 0;
}else if(this.btnGreenOff == button && event == GEvent.CLICKED){
state = false;
led[i] = 1;
} else if(this.btnBlueOff == button && event == GEvent.CLICKED){
state = false;
led[i] = 2;
public void handleSliderEvents(GValueControl slider, GEvent event){
if(slider == sdrRed) {
void mousePressed(){
print(" || ");
if u see the function
public void handleSliderEvents(GValueControl slider, GEvent event){
if(slider == sdrRed) {
value = sdrRed.getValueI();
that's mean for give value from 0 to 255 with slider to arduino. and i do have a value. and still error.
my question ... how to get value if im click ON in btnRedOn .. and give value to slider 255 , else click OFF in btnRedOff give value 0 automatic move the cursor slider .. thankss