Hi, we have a number of sites which use a piece of equipment requiring a SLIP connection from the laptop. this is a ballache for 12 engineers, we tend to keep a windows xp laptop in each van just for that operation.
the connection allows you to program via internet explorer.
I would like to know if its possible to establish a SLIP connection using the arduino then pass that through to IP network via wifi allowing access by any PC on the same network.
I'm asking for comments on feasibility at this stage.
Define "all Arduinos". There are undoubtedly some that would be capable of SLIP/TCPIP, if the code exists. The OP's laptop is an excellent and working solution.
thanks for your replies, the point is that yes an xp laptop from ten years or more ago works but we have 100 sites which will be here for many more years which need to be connected this way. i think maybe ESP32 will be the way to go.
Back in the days of dial in internet around 1994, most non government/university users like me used terminal programs that connected to unix shell accounts. The geek users used SLIP connections. When a program called SlipKnot came out it was the cat's meow. It would automatically display pictures and stuff!
SLIP is an extremely simple protocol. It can be implemented in a few lines of Arduino code.
It's quite possible that your target devices use something like ICMP?
You need to understand how these things talk. If it's TCP/IP (unlikely) you have problems. If it's ICMP/IP it shouldn't be difficult.