Hi Guys,
I found an example code for a IR-Device reading the information of the enerymeter here on Github
which I could change to work with my energy meter which is from another brand.
But there is something wrong with the units. e.g. if i have an energyconsumtion of 53.5W the programm gives out 535W.
part of the code which searches for the sequence and handles the convertion is this part:
// Extracts the decimal power value from a valid sml message
unsigned long sml_get_power(unsigned char message[], unsigned int len){
unsigned char sml_powerseq[] = {
0x07, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10, 0x07, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x01,
0x01, 0x62, 0x1B, 0x52, 0xFF, 0x55
}; // SML power sequence (Wirkleistung)
const unsigned int sml_powerval_size = 4; // Size of value containing power in SML message (4 bytes = long)
union {
unsigned char raw[sml_powerval_size];
unsigned long val;
} power;
unsigned char* pch;
// Search sml_powerseq in message
pch = find_sequence(message, len, sml_powerseq, sizeof(sml_powerseq));
if (pch != NULL) {
// Move pointer pch to raw power value
pch = pch + sizeof(sml_powerseq);
// Extract power by copying its values to union 'power'
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sml_powerval_size; i++){
power.raw[i] = pch[i];
byteswap(power.raw, sizeof(power.raw)); // Swap endianness
Serial.print("Current power (W): ");
return power.val;
this code is far above my knowledge. Could someone help me to get the right units, or tell me how to convert it to another value which can be divided by 10?
Thx guys