I managed to burn out a diode ( D1 M7 ) that appears to be between the external power jack and the voltage regulator. But the board seems to work fine on USB power. Searched the web trying to find
what/where to get a replacement diode but no luck so far.
Yes it looks like that diode will work. Now to try to find somewhere to get just one or two of them.
Unless you have a local electronics shop or an old PCB with one on you can use you will be hard pressed to get some as cheap as the eBay link. I buy stuff from Mouser, RS and Farnell but the delivery charges would be more than the components cost and eBay price.
Well it seems that the cheapest I can get any here in the USA is approximately $10.
So, I cobbled in a 1n4003 1 amp diode soldered onto the traces. It doesn't look to great
with a gob of hot melt glue holding it on but it is working ok. I would have preferred a direct
replacement part but couldn't justify the cost.
Well it seems that the cheapest I can get any here in the USA is approximately $10.
You're in the USA? Digikey is where it's at. Cheapest ship option is around $3, and they will sell you one of something. And they have damned near everything.