Hi, folks!
I am modifying the amazing RTClib to support software I2C (TwoWire class), and I want other users to test it before pushing it to Git.
I tested with the hardware that I have at home right now (ESP32, DS3231 RTC and many I2C sensors). I checked with other devices using the same I2C bus (3 ADS1115) and, every scenario was "perfect" here.
My scenarios:
Hardware: ESP32
TwoWire clock: 100 kHz
- Alone using the I2C hardware pins;
- Together with one ADS1115 using the I2C hardware pins;
- Together with three ADS1115 using the I2C hardware pins;
- Using different GPIOs (used at least six different pins).
If you can test it with your hardware and tell us how it performed, please let us know.
Test.zip (16.6 KB)