Hi all! I'm in trouble with an array that reads analogic values from a NTC sensor. I've tried this sketch with an array that i've defined (it's commented in the code) and it works. But i want to read the values (ten) from ntc and so i read these values then i remove the two higher and the two lowest values; then i compute the mean with the six remaining integer:
int n = 0;
int i = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(n, INPUT);
void loop()
int arraysala[10];// = {462, 462, 461, 462, 462, 461, 462 ,462, 462, 461};
int valore = analogRead(0);
Serial.print("read value ");
arraysala[i] = valore;
Serial.print(" array index number ");
Serial.print(" save ");
i = i+1;
Serial.print("printing the array ");
for(int l = 0 ; l<10; l++){
Serial.print("index ");
Serial.print(" we got ");
int indmin = 0;
int indmax = 0;
int vmax = arraysala[0];
int vmin = arraysala[0];
for(int j = 1; j<=2; j++){
for(int k = 0; k<10; k++){
if(vmax <= arraysala[k] && arraysala[k] != 10000){
vmax = arraysala[k];
indmax = k;
Serial.print("max ");
arraysala[indmax] = -10000;
for(int j = 1; j<=2; j++){
for(int k = 0; k<10; k++){
if(vmin >= arraysala[k] && arraysala[k] != -10000){
vmin = arraysala[k];
indmin = k;
Serial.print("min ");
arraysala[indmin] = 10000;
i = 0;
float media = 0;
for(int l = 0 ; l<10; l++){
media = arraysala[l] + media;
media = media / 6;
Serial.print("mean = ");
there is a problem. this is the output:
read value 528 array index number 0 save 528
read value 528 array index number 1 save 528
read value 528 array index number 2 save 528
read value 528 array index number 3 save 528
read value 528 array index number 4 save 528
read value 528 array index number 5 save 528
read value 528 array index number 6 save 528
read value 528 array index number 7 save 528
read value 528 array index number 8 save 528
read value 527 array index number 9 save 527
printing the array index 0 we got 528
index 1 we got 528
index 2 we got 528
index 3 we got 528
index 4 we got 528
index 5 we got 528
index 6 we got 16
index 7 we got -16128
index 8 we got -30464
index 9 we got 527
max 5
max 4
min 8
min 8
mean = -3912.17
actually in position 6 7 and 8 there is a mistake: arduino read 528 528 and 528, it stores these values and then when i want to see which values are stored into the array it says that in position 6 7 and 8 there are 16, -16128 and -30464! it sounds strange and i don't understand what happens...any ideas?