[Solved] Problem with data transfer from MPU6050 (GY521) to ESP32


I wanted to use my MPU6050 with my ESP32 Devkit V1 from Doit.

I would like to use it with this library.
I tested it successfully with my Arduino Nano but the ESP32 doesn't get correct values.

I used this sketch (slightly changed version of the GetAllData example from the lib):

#include <MPU6050_tockn.h>
#include <Wire.h>

MPU6050 mpu6050(Wire);

long timer = 0;

void setup() {
  Wire.begin(21, 22);

void loop() {

  if(millis() - timer > 1000){
    Serial.print("temp : ");Serial.println(mpu6050.getTemp());
    Serial.print("accX : ");Serial.print(mpu6050.getAccX());
    Serial.print("\taccY : ");Serial.print(mpu6050.getAccY());
    Serial.print("\taccZ : ");Serial.println(mpu6050.getAccZ());
    Serial.print("gyroX : ");Serial.print(mpu6050.getGyroX());
    Serial.print("\tgyroY : ");Serial.print(mpu6050.getGyroY());
    Serial.print("\tgyroZ : ");Serial.println(mpu6050.getGyroZ());
    Serial.print("accAngleX : ");Serial.print(mpu6050.getAccAngleX());
    Serial.print("\taccAngleY : ");Serial.println(mpu6050.getAccAngleY());
    Serial.print("gyroAngleX : ");Serial.print(mpu6050.getGyroAngleX());
    Serial.print("\tgyroAngleY : ");Serial.print(mpu6050.getGyroAngleY());
    Serial.print("\tgyroAngleZ : ");Serial.println(mpu6050.getGyroAngleZ());
    Serial.print("angleX : ");Serial.print(mpu6050.getAngleX());
    Serial.print("\tangleY : ");Serial.print(mpu6050.getAngleY());
    Serial.print("\tangleZ : ");Serial.println(mpu6050.getAngleZ());
    timer = millis();


And get always this output:

calculate gyro offsets
X : 0.00
Y : 0.00
Z : 0.00
Program will start after 3 seconds
temp : 36.51
accX : 0.00 accY : 0.00 accZ : 0.00
gyroX : 0.00 gyroY : 0.00 gyroZ : 0.00
accAngleX : 0.00 accAngleY : 0.00
gyroAngleX : 0.00 gyroAngleY : 0.00 gyroAngleZ : 0.00
angleX : 0.00 angleY : 0.00 angleZ : 0.00

When I run the "same sketch" on the Nano I get this output:

calculate gyro offsets
X : -3.22
Y : 2.46
Z : 0.60
Program will start after 3 seconds
temp : 24.79
accX : 0.19 accY : -0.00 accZ : 0.86
gyroX : -0.02 gyroY : 0.07 gyroZ : -0.08
accAngleX : -0.15 accAngleY : -12.40
gyroAngleX : -0.15 gyroAngleY : 0.67 gyroAngleZ : -0.75
angleX : -0.53 angleY : -11.37 angleZ : -0.75

I even tried it with pullup-resitors but then an I2C scanner couldn't find the MPU6050 anymore.
Without the resistors the I2C scanner found the MPU6050.

I have no clue how to fix this problem.
Could You please help me?

There was a problem in the library. Now it works just fine.

I have the same problem like you described on 30 Dec. 2018. Still can't get the module to work with the mpu6050_tockn library on my doit devkit board. On Arduino it is no problem...

Can You provide any Serial output? For me it works only if you comment out the serial.print commands from the issue

Here's my .cpp file. Could you try it with it?

MPU6050_tockn.cpp (3.91 KB)

Can you please post the complete code.

The only change I made is in line 69 in this file from wire->endTransmission(false); to wire->endTransmission(true);

I used the library-example "GetAllData" and it worked nicely.