And if we could see that code we might be able to help you fix it.
#include <Bounce2.h>
/* This is a button program for the Sparkbooth
Software. When a button is pushed it will send
a key stroke to the PC via serial.write
and start the software. This is used in conjuction with ACC Key for
serial command input into the computer.
Code has been parse together from examaples from Shifter and
/* The circuit:
1 Arduino UNO R3
1 USB A-B Cable
2 10kohm Resistors
20 330ohm Resistors
2 10 Segment LED Bar
2 Arcade buttons from sparkfun
3 74HC595
// Library used for the 74HC595 Shift Registers
#include <Shifter.h>
int SER_Pin = 8; //pin 14 on the 75HC595
int RCLK_Pin = 11; //pin 12 on the 75HC595
int SRCLK_Pin = 12; //pin 11 on the 75HC595
#define NUM_REGISTERS 2 //how many registers are in the chain //Will be switch to three
// Constants won't change
//const int btnStart = 2; //Red Arcade button to start the program
//const int btnColor = 3; //Blue Arcade button to change the picture to Color
#define btnStart 2
#define btnColor 3
// Variables that will change
#define LEDPIN 13
//int LEDPIN = 13; //LED Test pin
int ButtonState[] = {0}; // Variable for the State of the buttons. In and Array
//initaize shifter using the Shifter library
Shifter shifter(SER_Pin, RCLK_Pin, SRCLK_Pin, NUM_REGISTERS);
Bounce debStart = Bounce();
Bounce debColor = Bounce();
void setup() {
shifter.clear(); // clears of pins on shift regs
shifter.setAll(LOW); // sets all pins to LOW
shifter.write(); // writes to the shift regs
pinMode(btnStart, INPUT_PULLUP); // Sets btnStart to INPUT Mode
pinMode(btnColor, INPUT_PULLUP); // Sets btnColor to INPUT Mode
// pinMode(btnBW, INPUT); // Saved for later
pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT); // Sets Pin 13 to LED Pin OUTPUT Mode
pinMode(SER_Pin, OUTPUT); // Sets Data Pin to OUTPUT Mode
pinMode(RCLK_Pin, OUTPUT); // Sets Latch Pin to OUTPUT Mode
pinMode(SRCLK_Pin, OUTPUT); // Sets Clock Pin to OUT OUTPUT Mode
Serial.begin(115200); // Start the serial tranmission
void loop() {
ButtonState[1] =;
ButtonState[2] =;
//ButtonState[1] = digitalRead(btnStart); // Sets the button state for the two buttons
//ButtonState[2] = digitalRead(btnColor);
shifter.clear(); // set all pins on the shift register chain to LOW
shifter.write(); // send changes to the chain and display them
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW); // Shuts the LED Status pin off
// If the First button (Start) is pressed call function takePic
if (ButtonState[1] == LOW) { // This button is always HIGH until pushed then LOW
// Function takePic will send the keystroke 'SPACE' to the computer
void takePic() {
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);
Serial.write(32); // ASCII for 'SPACE'
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);
// Signal(); // Calls Function signal
// Function changeColor will send the keystroke 'CTRL+K' to the computer
void changeColor () {
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);
// char KeyCommand = 77;
//char KeyCommand[] = {27,44,44,'control',107,46};
char KeyCommand[] = {
27,44,'c','o','m','b','i','n','e',44,'c','o','n','t','r','o','l',46,107,46 };
//char KeyCommand[] = {27,44,68 6f 6c 64,44,'control',107,46};
//char KeyCommand[] = {27,'hold,control,107.'};
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);
This is giving the best results right now. How ever I am still getting two pushes of the button on my serial monitor.