Im soon starting my first arduino project. I was wondering if it is possible to use more than 1 sound sensor to register a position. I.E you clap, will it be difficult to register what position the clap came from? If for instance i define 3 locations?
i think with 2 sensors, u cant even find the position of a noise source in a 2 dimentional space...
e. g. if the source is exactly in the middle between the sensors, the run-time-difference would b 0... but: that is always true when the distance between the source and the sensor 1 equals the distance between the source and the sensor 2 (Isosceles triangle)... Triangle - Wikipedia
with 3 sensors, u should be able to find the position of a noise source in a 2D space...
but i m not sure about 3D cases... :~
air traffic control centers use a (virtually) rotating antenna, which seems to be good for measurements in 3D space...
The problem is almost the same as with GPS signals (although they're technically a bit more complex). If you control the sound source you have a run time to every sensor which translates to a distance almost directly. This gives you a sphere around each sensor on which the sound source must be. The cross section of two sensors will be a circle. A third sensor gives you two possible locations (one of them usually can be ignored).
It gets a bit more complicated if you don't control the sound source as you have run time differences (in best case). You need at least a sensor more and the math is a bit more complex.