Source code Ublox SAM-M8q chip


I purchased Arduino MKR GPS shield considering its source code being available.

I checked but the source code of GPS receiver chip which is Ublox SAM-M8q chip is not available.

I am looking for its source code. Please can anyone help me ?

Best ,

What exactly do you mean by 'source code' ?

The SAM M8Q is a serial GPS and there are a number of well know Arduino libraries that support its use.

On the page that you linked to, under "Getting Started", there is a link to the Arduino_MKRGPS library.
I would expect that library to have its own examples.

@srnet Thanks for your comment. By source code I mean , how SAM-M8Q chip calculates GPS position. The source code of Ublox SAM-M8Q chip.

You would need to contact Ublox for that and I doubt they will supply it.

@JohnLincoln You misunderstood me. I am looking for source code of Ublox SAM-M8Q chip which Arduino MKr shield uses.

@srnet I asked but no success. I am wondering if they are entitled to provide it because I thought that all code of arduino were available. I need some advise here.

Arduino buy in the SAM-M8Q as a commercial product.
Any code that is used internally in the SAM-8D is U-blox's own intellectual property.

Would you expect Microchip to provide the microcode for their microcontrollers?

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Indeed, or Semtech to provide the internal firmware for the devices used in the Arduino LoRa products.

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