SPI.h conflicting with SPI code

I have been building a program using a Newhaven OLED screen (NHD-0420CW) together with RTC over I2C, and a SD card on SPI. I have just changed the screen code through necessity to instead use SPI and have found it doesn't function in my sketch. I have narrowed it down to be the SPI.h and SD.h command functions, but that's where my ability ends. A closer look in some of the .h and .cpp files goes over my head.

There are code examples for this screen which use the SPI.h library but I haven't had any success with those on their own, so my sketch is based on the code included.

Is there an easy way around this?

 * Original example created by Newhaven Display International Inc.
 * Modified and adapted to Arduino Uno 30 Mar 2015 by Pasquale D'Antini
 * Modified 19 May 2015 by Pasquale D'Antini
 * This example code is in the public domain.

const byte ROW_N = 4;                 // Number of display rows
const byte COLUMN_N = 20;             // Number of display columns

const byte CS = 2;
const byte RES = 3;
const byte SCLK = 13;
const byte SDIN = 11;
const byte SDOUT = 12;

const byte TEXT[4][21] = {"1-Newhaven Display--", 

byte new_line[4] = {0x80, 0xA0, 0xC0, 0xE0};
byte rows = 0x08;                     // Display mode 2/4 lines

   byte i = 0;
   for(i=0; i<5; i++)
      digitalWrite(SDIN, HIGH);
   for(i=0; i<3; i++)
      digitalWrite(SDIN, LOW);

   byte i = 0; 
   for(i=0; i<5; i++)
      digitalWrite(SDIN, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(SDIN, LOW);
   digitalWrite(SDIN, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(SDIN, LOW);

void send_byte(byte tx_b)  //SEND TO THE DISPLAY
   byte i = 0;
   for(i=0; i<4; i++)
      if((tx_b & 0x01) == 1) 
         digitalWrite(SDIN, HIGH);
         digitalWrite(SDIN, LOW);
      tx_b = tx_b >> 1;
   for(i=0; i<4; i++)
      digitalWrite(SDIN, LOW);
   for(i=0; i<4; i++)
      if((tx_b & 0x1) == 0x1) //Change?
         digitalWrite(SDIN, HIGH);
         digitalWrite(SDIN, LOW);
      tx_b = tx_b >> 1;
   for(i=0; i<4; i++)
      digitalWrite(SDIN, LOW);

void clockCycle(void)    //CLOCK SIGNAL CYCLE
   digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
   digitalWrite(SCLK, LOW);
   digitalWrite(SCLK, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);

   byte r = 0;
   byte c = 0;

   command(0x01);  // Clears display
   for (r=0; r<ROW_N; r++)
      for (c=0; c<COLUMN_N; c++)

   for (r=0; r<ROW_N; r++)
      for (c=0; c<COLUMN_N; c++)

void setup(void)
   pinMode(SCLK, OUTPUT);
   digitalWrite(SCLK, HIGH);
   pinMode(SDIN, OUTPUT);
   digitalWrite(SDIN, LOW);
   pinMode(SDOUT, INPUT);
   pinMode(CS, OUTPUT);
   digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
   pinMode(RES, OUTPUT)
   digitalWrite(RES, HIGH);
   if (ROW_N == 2 || ROW_N == 4)
      rows = 0x08;   //2/4 lines
      rows = 0x00;   //1/3 lines
   command(0x22 | rows); // Function set: extended command set (RE=1), lines #
   command(0x71);        // Function selection A:
   data(0x5C);           //  enable internal Vdd regulator at 5V I/O mode (def. value) (0x00 for disable, 2.8V I/O)
   command(0x20 | rows); // Function set: fundamental command set (RE=0) (exit from extended command set), lines #
   command(0x08);        // Display ON/OFF control: display off, cursor off, blink off (default values)
   command(0x22 | rows); // Function set: extended command set (RE=1), lines #
   command(0x79);        // OLED characterization: OLED command set enabled (SD=1)
   command(0xD5);        // Set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency:
   command(0x70);        //  divide ratio=1, frequency=7 (default values)
   command(0x78);        // OLED characterization: OLED command set disabled (SD=0) (exit from OLED command set)
   if (ROW_N > 2)
      command(0x09);  // Extended function set (RE=1): 5-dot font, B/W inverting disabled (def. val.), 3/4 lines
      command(0x08);  // Extended function set (RE=1): 5-dot font, B/W inverting disabled (def. val.), 1/2 lines
   command(0x06);        // Entry Mode set - COM/SEG direction: COM0->COM31, SEG99->SEG0 (BDC=1, BDS=0)
   command(0x72);        // Function selection B:
   data(0x0A);           //  ROM/CGRAM selection: ROM C, CGROM=250, CGRAM=6 (ROM=10, OPR=10)
   command(0x79);        // OLED characterization: OLED command set enabled (SD=1)
   command(0xDA);        // Set SEG pins hardware configuration:
   command(0x10);        //  alternative odd/even SEG pin, disable SEG left/right remap (default values)
   command(0xDC);        // Function selection C:
   command(0x00);        //  internal VSL, GPIO input disable
   command(0x81);        // Set contrast control:
   command(0x7F);        //  contrast=127 (default value)
   command(0xD9);        // Set phase length:
   command(0xF1);        //  phase2=15, phase1=1 (default: 0x78)
   command(0xDB);        // Set VCOMH deselect level:
   command(0x40);        //  VCOMH deselect level=1 x Vcc (default: 0x20=0,77 x Vcc)
   command(0x78);        // OLED characterization: OLED command set disabled (SD=0) (exit from OLED command set)
   command(0x20 | rows); // Function set: fundamental command set (RE=0) (exit from extended command set), lines #
   command(0x01);        // Clear display
   delay(2);             // After a clear display, a minimum pause of 1-2 ms is required
   command(0x80);        // Set DDRAM address 0x00 in address counter (cursor home) (default value)
   command(0x0C);        // Display ON/OFF control: display ON, cursor off, blink off
   delay(250);           // Waits 250 ms for stabilization purpose after display on
   if (ROW_N == 2)
      new_line[1] = 0xC0;             // DDRAM address for each line of the display (only for 2-line mode)

void loop(void)                       // MAIN PROGRAM
   output();                          // Execute subroutine "output"
   delay(2000);                       // Waits, only for visual effect purpose
   blocks();                          // Execute subroutine "blocks"
   delay(2000);                       // Waits, only for visual effect purpose

Arduino UNO? SPI are pins 11, 12, 13. don't use them for display

Arduino UNO? SPI are pins 11, 12, 13. don't use them for display

Why not? Display is SPI

Why not? Display is SPI

it doesn't use hardware SPI of the Atmega

What file did you post? Your sketch, a standard library, or someone else's library?

@Juraj sees in the code the direct manipulation of the SPI pins which would be in conflict with the SPI library trying to control those pins. But that circles back to question #1, what is the code that you posted?

Edit: I see now. You have an example sketch that directly controls the SPI pins and you have the SD card that uses the SPI library to control the same pins. Yep, that ain't goin' to work. You need to find an example for your display that uses the SPI library and does not directly control the SPI pins if you have any hope of using this display with any other SPI device.

What file did you post? Your sketch, a standard library, or someone else's library?

@Juraj sees in the code the direct manipulation of the SPI pins which would be in conflict with the SPI library trying to control those pins. But that circles back to question #1, what is the code that you posted?

It is not a direct manipulation. That is digitalWrite that would work on any digital pins. I don't see hardware SPI initialized.

It is a direct manipulation that would work on any digital pins. I don't see hardware SPI initialized.

But when the OP includes the SD libraries, it brings in the SPI library and the two step on each other. I think it is poor form for the vendor to supply an example that does direct bit banging for a device with SPI hardware.

But when the OP includes the SD libraries, it brings in the SPI library and the two step on each other. I think it is poor form for the vendor to supply an example that does direct bit banging.

that is why he should move the display to other set of pins. this code with pins named similar to SPI doesn't use hardware SPI so it can run on any other digital pins.

I understand now, thank you both so much for pointing it out. It's obvious when you know!

I have changed the arduino pin numbers for the screens SPI inputs and it works now.

I think it is poor form for the vendor to supply an example that does direct bit banging for a device with SPI hardware.

The screen is based on the US2066 chip for which there is a library which utilises SPI.h, however I had no luck with that whereas I could run this sketch someone kindly made available.

I guess being only a small display there is no foreseeable downside to not using hardware SPI? I understand the data rate is less on other pins.