SPO2 Monitor programing (Guidance Required) using SPO2 Module (Medical Graded)

20801-000022-L-IFC FSP-2 Specification_240201_2025_240201_202546.pdf (364.6 KB)

Please, tell us how we use this data (given in PDF) for get below parameter using module

  1. We have to get SPO2 vaule
  2. Pulse rate/HR
  3. PI (Purfusion Index)
  4. Graph (Bar graph it indicates level signal strength)

Am using Arduino Nano

On the classic Nano, Software Serial can be used to read the data from the sensor. However, the Nano has no display for a bar graph.

To get started with serial, see the Serial Input Basics tutorial.

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Below is a link to a serial monitor print of a moving graph. Spin the knobs and see the graph move. For your purpose, read your sensors and constrain the range from 0 to 1023. (best viewed on laptop/desktop)

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