ST micro STM32G030J6M6 Programming it on arduino? - SOLVED

hello, A friend of mine a while back before he passed away gave me a bunch of STM32G030J6M6. ?From what I can find out about that they are a ST micro 32 M0+ processor. with only 8 pins 32KB of programming storage and is a 64mhz processor. I'm searching online but I can not find anything for programming with Arduino. There are other St micro processors being used with arduino but nothing I can find on this one. I was wondering If anyone has tried this processor programming it? And If so Sense I have no clue how to do it can someone please help me with that?

One Other thing I did notice from What I'm seeing the programming that they are using to program is a ST micro programming. But it looks like it can take an Uart programming I'm not sure maybe a little confused on that. Please help me to figure this out?


The official 2.0.0 STMicroElectronics core for the Arduino IDE (stm32duino) supports the generic STM32G030C/F/K processors. It should be useable as is or a variant could be created if needed.

I'm not sure how one would arrange for "upload" to work, though.
The datasheet does claim that there is a serial bootloader in ROM, but that would mean three of the pins used for that (one pin to select the ROM bootloader, two pins for Serial.)

The "AsciiTable" example compiles to about 15k; I don't think the ARM builds are really set up for the especially tiny CPUs, at either the Arduino or underlying STM "HAL" level. :frowning: (the same example for a Uno is 2k.)

To be honest I'm not sure it is a 8 pin processor that looks like an attiny85. How it bootloads I'm not sure. Or even if I can get it to work on arduino.


To upload is simple. You just need a J-link programmer. If you don't have that, you can still upload via the processor UART, via serial, after setting the mode pins correctly.

It's not substantially different from the Blue Pill processor and there are plenty of online instructions about how to upload to that without a firmware bootloader.

hello, I signed up for the stm32 page. I have not asked any questions. I'm looking around to see if anyone has done anything yet with the processor. If not Then I will post a question thank you.


I do not have a Jtag programmer. I do hae a Swd programmer and A few uart programmers. I'm not good wit the SWD programming But I'm okay with the Uart programmer. Would the Arduino Ide have that processor on file or am I going to need to add it somehow in the boar manger?


Use Generic G030J6Mx

Hello aarg, What board is that from?


I'm not sure what you mean, "what board". I found that in the Tools menu of the IDE, I have the STM32 core installed already.

Oh sorry, I didn't know what board manger it came from. I don't have any stm32 boards or anything for stm32 in the board manger.


You need to install the STM32 core.

Yes that is the one i also found. Thank you


I added to board manger and I don't see that board.


You didn't select the G0 series first...

Oh I see Thank you very much.


I went over to the STM32duino forum becuase I was having problems Trying to figure things out such as the programming from uart and how can i find the pinout for i2c and spi and this is what They told me.

I asked them if I can use a uart to program the processor they said.
Yes, you can use flash using uart using the stm32 boot rom. You can refers to here.

Then I asked them How can I find out the arduino pinout for this processor because I'm so lost in the datasheet and they told me it can be found here. also in variant files here.


Hello, Just an update. I went over to the STM forum page to get some understanding and help. With the help of that community I now figure out the pinout and somewhat of the programming. They told me I would need the cubeprogrammer, I'm not sure. So I'm back here wonder do I really need that programmer software? Here is the link to that forum


Yes, you normally do need the CubeProgrammer. It's mentioned in the STM core documentation as well. If you really don't want to use that, you can upload to the chip using the serial bootloader. It's possible but not at all convenient. That will work if you have set the processor mode pins correctly, connected to the correct serial port on the MCU, and selected the same upload method in the IDE.

Why not just use the Cube software? Some special reason? Do you not have an ST-Link programming device?

Hello, There is no reason why I wouldn't need to use the cube software Other then I have never used it before and I have never used any type of Stm micro processors at all, This will be the first time. I do not have a ST-link programmer at all. Can I still program it with FTDI or a CH340?

Edit: I did download the Cubesoftware because Arduino IDE said it's missing. You was correct in needing that.
