Standalone atmega8 burning bootloader problem

I got my uno set up as ISP, with pin 13-10 connected correctly to a breadboard atmega8 chip, but when I try to burn the bootloader, I don't see any board with an atmega8 option.

trying to burn it anyway gave me this error message:

avrdude: Expected signature for ATMEGA328P is 1E 95 0F
         Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.

my question: how to burn a bootloader to an atmega8 using uno with IDE 1.0.5 ?

following this:

the atmega8 board does show up, but got this error:

avrdude: can't open input file D:\My Apps\arduino-1.0.5\hardware\arduino\bootloaders\atmega8\atmega8_8.hex: No such file or directory
avrdude: read from file 'D:\My Apps\arduino-1.0.5\hardware\arduino\bootloaders\atmega8\atmega8_8.hex' failed


trying to burn it anyway gave me this error message:
avrdude: Expected signature for ATMEGA328P is 1E 95 0F
Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.

my question: how to burn a bootloader to an atmega8 using uno with IDE 1.0.5 ?

Hmm.. that's because the avrdude's reading fuses of a Atmega8 while expecting ATmega328p, maybe you should change the chip thats selected in the IDE, I personally use the STK500 programmer along with winavr or programmers pad to load the hex's.

the atmega8 board does show up, but got this error:
avrdude: can't open input file D:\My Apps\arduino-1.0.5\hardware\arduino\bootloaders\atmega8\atmega8_8.hex: No such file or directory
avrdude: read from file 'D:\My Apps\arduino-1.0.5\hardware\arduino\bootloaders\atmega8\atmega8_8.hex' failed

and you simply do not have any bootloader file named atmega8_8.hex in your Arduino IDE distribution use a bootloader filename that you actually have in the bootloaders folder.