I am looking for help ! Can you help with the project? We don't seem to be going anywhere here???
I though that selecting a suitable motor and stepper briver counted as considerable progress. Code is pretty much useless if the hardware is unsuitable.
When you have your motor and stepper driver and a suitable stepper motor power supply then you can start learning how to control it with code. It's unlikely that you will develop a complete working system without a lot of experimental learning.
In principal, if you know how many motor steps there are between the positions you want to stop at the code is as simple as this (which is neither complete nor tested)
void loop() {
void moveSteps(int numSteps) {
for (int n = 0; n < numSteps; n++) {
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(microsBetweenSteps); // controls motor speed
I understand your point, my apologies as I am just a bit anxious. OK one thing to keep in mind is this will be a working prototype only will not be the finished product, but never the less it needs to work.
Assume we use the Polou "A-4988 stepper control board and this motor General specifications
Shaft type: 1/4 inch "D"
Steps per revolution: 200
Current rating: 1000 mA2
Voltage rating: 7.4 V
Holding torque: 125 oz·in
Resistance: 7.4 Ohm2
Inductance per phase: 10 mH
Number of leads: 6
Lead length: 30 cm
this motor and control will work for this part of the learning curve
The dwell time delay between each rotation needs to be adjustable via a panel mount "POT" .Can you spec out a pot of the correct value or what I should use to start with?
The rotation between alignment marks is 30 deg (i believe it would be 17 full steps?) I would like the rotation to run as smooth as possible and travel the 30 deg range in about 2 sec (this is a fixed time, but I assume it could be adjusted with in the programming if need be?)
Is this better info for your analysis, programming and schematics?