Stepper Motor too slow


Thanks for the help in advance.

I am working on modifying these two projects to suit my own needs.

To be completely honest I am very new to both programming and electronics so it may be that the answer to my problem is very simple.

I want to be able to spin my camera with the motor at pause at a precise position and continue to do so, pausing in the exact same positions every time. Following the tutorials I posted above I have two gears, one small 12 tooth gear and one larger 84 tooth gear which the camera rests on. The problem I have is that to turn the camera 90 degrees, the stepper motor must make 1.75 rotations currently this takes about 12 seconds and is about 8 or so RPM. I want to to be able to make the full 360 degree rotation on the 84 tooth gear in under 5 seconds ideally, that would be 7 full rotations of the 12 tooth gear and about 85 RPM.

I am using the 28 BYJ - 48 stepper motor. This exact one:

Is it possible with this motor? Do I need to supply more power? Can I power the motor of a separate power supply than the arduino? Is it a simple code fix?

The Camera I am rotating is the Ricoh Theta S, its fairly light.

Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I wanted to ask for help here before I go out looking for another stepper motor.


Code: Dropbox - Error


Sorry, but I'm not going to study those projects and the code...

A stepper motor runs as fast as you step-it, until you find the maximum speed (and/or maximum acceleration) of the motor with the particular load. Then it starts skipping steps or it just freezes-up. (Steppers are mostly for positioning. They are not designed to run at high speed.)

So, did you try to increase stepping speed? If there's not a "speed" variable, there are some timing variables somewhere in the code.

Is it possible with this motor? Do I need to supply more power? Can I power the motor of a separate power supply than the arduino? Is it a simple code fix?

That's hard to say. Start with the code. It's unlikely that the motor isn't getting enough voltage/current (but I didn't study the design). You might need a bigger motor (and an appropriately bigger power supply/driver) and/or you might need some different gearing. Even a big-powerful stepper will only go so-fast, but it can use different gearing. Of course, the more you gear-up the more resolution you loose...