STM32, Maple and Maple mini port to IDE 1.5.x


Try this one.

Its my hacked version of Rays code and it works for me

Note. see my pins for CS and RESET etc , you may want to change these but at least they are in real STM32 ports / pins, not the Maple mini pin numbers (which I generally avoid)

I got around today to trying Roger's (et al) Adafruit hacks to the ILI9341 libs which is in the most recent ZIP from Github.

Impressive improvements:

Benchmark			T1 (mS)                T2 (mS) 		(t2 - t1) 		% faster
Screen fill			1,026,635 		716,291 	310,344 		30%
Text				74,910 			46,087 		28,823 			38%
Lines 				702,724 		400,688 	302,036 		43%
Horiz/Vert Lines 		84,359 			57,074 		27,285 			32%
Rectangles (outline) 		54,489 			36,604 		17,885 			33%
Rectangles (filled) 		2,132,392 		1,487,410 	644,982 		30%
Circles (filled) 		344,984 		220,662 	124,322 		36%
Circles (outline) 		306,326 		174,199 	132,127 		43%
Triangles (outline) 		222,948 		127,154 	95,794 			43%
Triangles (filled) 		715,597 		472,077 	243,520 		34%
Rounded rects (outline) 	130,131 		78,591 		51,540 			40%
Rounded rects (filled) 		2,331,405 		1,615,938 	715,467 		31%