I had used Arduino Mega 2560 to interface with 3.2"inch Sainsmart display. I had successfully interfaced it. I had stored the Datas in internal EEPROM of Arduino Mega 2560. Now i am moving to Arduino due. I have to store Datas in the Arduino Due during Power OFF/ON also. How to do this?
Please let us know how to store datas in Arduino Due?
You mean store data BEFORE a Power OFF I guess....
The SAM3X that makes up the heart of the DUE doesn't have any EEPROM itself, but the Atmel 16U2 that is the bridge between the UART interface on the DUE and the USB programming port does (512 Bytes of EEPROM).
And here is how you can wire your DUE to extract 512 bytes of EEPROM:
I had downloaded DueFlashStorage library and had used the same.
I am able to read and write the
address location 00 and 01 using the DueFlashStorageExample.uno which i had attached. after Power off and On, Data which i store is retentive and able to read and write. Example is perfectly working.
My question is, this address will conflict the normal program memory which is i am already using?
or otherwise it will take care by itself. Can anyone explain it?
I need 32 address location to store my Data in flash and have to retrieve. what is the address i can choose. Please let us know.