So I am pretty new to Arduino and I am trying to make a traffic light that will have several modes with millis() function. I have noticed that the code gets stuck in one of the "if" statements. Am I doing something wrong?
Here is my incomplete code, hope it's clear to you:
const int RED = 3;
const int YELLOW = 4;
const int GREEN = 6;
const int SWITCH1 = A0;
const int SWITCH2 = A1;
const int SWITCH3 = A2;
const unsigned long aaa = 10;
const unsigned long bbb = 100;
const unsigned long ccc = 250;
const unsigned long ddd = 1000;
const unsigned long eee = 2000;
const unsigned long fff = 5000;
unsigned long previousMillis1 = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis2 = 0;
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
int ledState1 = LOW;
int ledState2 = LOW;
int ledState3 = LOW;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(RED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SWITCH1, INPUT);
pinMode(SWITCH2, INPUT);
pinMode(SWITCH3, INPUT);
void loop() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (digitalRead(SWITCH1) == HIGH) {
ledState2 = LOW;
ledState3 = LOW;
if (ledState1 == LOW) {
if ((millis() - previousMillis1) >= ddd) {
ledState1 = HIGH;
previousMillis1 = millis();
} else if ((millis() - previousMillis1) >= ccc) {
ledState1 = LOW;
previousMillis1 = millis();
digitalWrite(YELLOW, ledState1);
digitalWrite(RED, ledState2);
digitalWrite(GREEN, ledState3);
if (digitalRead(SWITCH2) == HIGH) {
//gets stuck here
if (currentMillis - previousMillis2 >= bbb){
previousMillis2 = currentMillis;
ledState2 = HIGH;
ledState3 = LOW;
ledState1 = LOW;
if (currentMillis - previousMillis2 >= fff) {
previousMillis2 = currentMillis;
ledState1 = HIGH;
if (currentMillis - previousMillis2 >= ddd) {
previousMillis2 = currentMillis;
ledState1 = LOW;
ledState2 = LOW;
ledState3 = HIGH;
digitalWrite(YELLOW, ledState1);
digitalWrite(RED, ledState2);
digitalWrite(GREEN, ledState3);
So the problem is that it gets stuck at the red light. The "yellow blink" does work even after that though. One thing I know is that when it gets "stuck", the serial monitor does print out the word "RED" repeatedly. So my guess is that the problem somewhere is under that tag (//gets stuck here).
Look at the above if blocks closely. bbb = 100, fff = 5000, ddd = 1000. The last two if statements will never become true! This is because currentMillis - previousMillis2 >= bbb will become true before the last 2 if statements and you will reset previousMillis2.
here is a traffic-light code that is using a state-machine
// Take it for granted at the moment scroll down to void setup
// start of macros dbg and dbgi
#define dbg(myFixedText, variableName) \
Serial.print( F(#myFixedText " " #variableName"=") ); \
// usage: dbg("1:my fixed text",myVariable);
// myVariable can be any variable or expression that is defined in scope
#define dbgi(myFixedText, variableName,timeInterval) \
do { \
static unsigned long intervalStartTime; \
if ( millis() - intervalStartTime >= timeInterval ){ \
intervalStartTime = millis(); \
Serial.print( F(#myFixedText " " #variableName"=") ); \
Serial.println(variableName); \
} \
} while (false);
// usage: dbgi("2:my fixed text",myVariable,1000);
// myVariable can be any variable or expression that is defined in scope
// third parameter is the time in milliseconds that must pass by until the next time a
// Serial.print is executed
// end of macros dbg and dbgi
// print only once when value has changed
#define dbgc(myFixedText, variableName) \
do { \
static long lastState; \
if ( lastState != variableName ){ \
Serial.print( F(#myFixedText " " #variableName" changed from ") ); \
Serial.print(lastState); \
Serial.print( F(" to ") ); \
Serial.println(variableName); \
lastState = variableName; \
} \
} while (false);
const byte RedLED_Pin = 4;
const byte YellowLED_Pin = 5;
const byte GreenLED_Pin = 6;
const byte sm_RedOn = 1;
const byte sm_WaitRedOn = 2;
const byte sm_RedYellowOn = 3;
const byte sm_WaitRedYellowOn = 4;
const byte sm_GreenOn = 5;
const byte sm_WaitGreenOn = 6;
const byte sm_YellowOn = 7;
const byte sm_WaitYellowOn = 8;
byte myState;
const byte RedOn = HIGH;
const byte RedOff = LOW;
const byte YellowOn = HIGH;
const byte YellowOff = LOW;
const byte GreenOn = HIGH;
const byte GreenOff = LOW;
unsigned long myWaitTimer; // variables that deal with millis() MUST be unsigned long
void SwitchTrafficLights(byte Red, byte Yellow, byte Green){
digitalWrite(RedLED_Pin, Red);
digitalWrite(GreenLED_Pin, Green);
void myTrafficLightStateMachine() {
switch (myState) {
case sm_RedOn:
SwitchTrafficLights(RedOn, YellowOff, GreenOff);
myWaitTimer = millis(); // setup/initialise timer (with actual snapshot if time)
myState = sm_WaitRedOn;
break; // immidiately jump down to END-OF-SWITCH
case sm_WaitRedOn:
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(myWaitTimer, 5000) ) { // check if 5000 milliseconds have passed by
// if REALLY 5000 milliseconds have passed by
myState = sm_RedYellowOn;
break; // immidiately jump down to END-OF-SWITCH
case sm_RedYellowOn:
SwitchTrafficLights(RedOn, YellowOn, GreenOff);
myWaitTimer = millis(); // setup/initialise timer (with actual snapshot if time)
myState = sm_WaitRedYellowOn;
break; // immidiately jump down to END-OF-SWITCH
case sm_WaitRedYellowOn:
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(myWaitTimer, 2000) ) { // check if 5000 milliseconds have passed by
// if REALLY 2000 milliseconds have passed by
myState = sm_GreenOn;
break; // immidiately jump down to END-OF-SWITCH
case sm_GreenOn:
SwitchTrafficLights(RedOff, YellowOff, GreenOn);
digitalWrite(RedLED_Pin , LOW);
digitalWrite(YellowLED_Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(GreenLED_Pin , HIGH);
myWaitTimer = millis(); // setup/initialise timer (with actual snapshot if time)
myState = sm_WaitGreenOn;
break; // immidiately jump down to END-OF-SWITCH
case sm_WaitGreenOn:
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(myWaitTimer, 10000) ) { // check if 5000 milliseconds have passed by
// if REALLY 10000 milliseconds have passed by
myState = sm_YellowOn;
break; // immidiately jump down to END-OF-SWITCH
case sm_YellowOn:
SwitchTrafficLights(RedOff, YellowOn, GreenOff);
digitalWrite(RedLED_Pin , LOW);
digitalWrite(YellowLED_Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GreenLED_Pin , LOW);
myWaitTimer = millis(); // setup/initialise timer (with actual snapshot if time)
myState = sm_WaitYellowOn;
break; // immidiately jump down to END-OF-SWITCH
case sm_WaitYellowOn:
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(myWaitTimer, 2000) ) { // check if 5000 milliseconds have passed by
// if REALLY 2000 milliseconds have passed by
myState = sm_RedOn;
break; // immidiately jump down to END-OF-SWITCH
void PrintFileNameDateTime() {
Serial.println( F("Code running comes from file ") );
Serial.println( F(__FILE__) );
Serial.print( F(" compiled ") );
Serial.print( F(__DATE__) );
Serial.print( F(" ") );
Serial.println( F(__TIME__) );
// easy to use helper-function for non-blocking timing
boolean TimePeriodIsOver (unsigned long &startOfPeriod, unsigned long TimePeriod) {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if ( currentMillis - startOfPeriod >= TimePeriod ) {
// more time than TimePeriod has elapsed since last time if-condition was true
startOfPeriod = currentMillis; // a new period starts right here so set new starttime
return true;
else return false; // actual TimePeriod is NOT yet over
unsigned long MyTestTimer = 0; // Timer-variables MUST be of type unsigned long
const byte OnBoard_LED = 13;
void BlinkHeartBeatLED(int IO_Pin, int BlinkPeriod) {
static unsigned long MyBlinkTimer;
pinMode(IO_Pin, OUTPUT);
if ( TimePeriodIsOver(MyBlinkTimer, BlinkPeriod) ) {
digitalWrite(IO_Pin, !digitalRead(IO_Pin) );
void PrintDebugInfos() {
dbgc("1", digitalRead(RedLED_Pin) );
dbgc("2", digitalRead(YellowLED_Pin) );
dbgc("3", digitalRead(GreenLED_Pin) );
void PrintStateNameIfChanged(byte p_State) {
// array indexes start at 0. This is the reason why an
// entry "dummy" is inserted at first
char states [] [20] = {"dummy", // index 0
"RedON", // index 1
"WaitRedOn", // index 2
"RedYellowOn", // index 3
"WaitRedYellowOn", // index 4
"GreenOn", // index 5
"WaitGreenOn", // index 6
"YellowOn", // index 7
"WaitYellowOn" // index 8
static byte lastState;
if (lastState == 0) {
lastState = sm_RedOn;
if (lastState != p_State) { // check if state has changed since last time
// only in case the state HAS changed
Serial.print("change from state ");
Serial.print(" to ");
lastState = p_State;
void setup() {
digitalWrite(RedLED_Pin , LOW);
digitalWrite(YellowLED_Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(GreenLED_Pin , LOW);
pinMode(RedLED_Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YellowLED_Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(GreenLED_Pin, OUTPUT);
myState = sm_RedOn;
void loop() {
BlinkHeartBeatLED(OnBoard_LED, 250);