I do have the color sensor calibrated and ready, the ir communication will simply be there to make the robots avoid each other, and the servos are continuous rotation. However, these robots will not move a weight, rather move together on a surface, the table,
That's a whole different kettle of fish. ie Moving on a table.
In your initial post, you said:
and will maneuver a 4 x 2 foot table
and on that surface, are tasked to find the colored tape that I have put on the other side of the table. My only question right now is, I have IR phototransitors, and the only thing it can do is measure the intensity of the ir light. I want my robots to avoid each other when in connections, but also to come together when they find the tape.
This isn't real clear. "connections"? "come together"? By "connections", do you just mean when they're close to each other? And what exactly do you mean by "come together"? Do you mean follow each other along the tape?
When you mention you have IR photo-transistors, do you mean you're using IR obstacle detection? IR obstacle sensors aren't the best unless reflecting off a surface that's 'square-on'. (Same goes for US, but to a lesser degree.)
Also, I'm stuck on using the ultrasonic sensor, as it can't detect all around the environment itself, and I need a better way for the robot to detect the walls of the surface that I will put, so that it doesn't crash into it.
What I did for this was mount my US sensor on an inverted 180 degree servo, with the horn attached to the robot base. That way I could swing the servo side-to-side, stopping in 5 positions for a few mS to take measurements. This gives the robot a much better picture of it's surroundings, and also ensures an echo when the robot approaches a wall from a sharp angle.
P.S. every component of my robot was designed to fit together perfectly, but right now the IR communication and object detection aspect of the robot is on standby.
Well, you'd better get stuck in.
First thing to do is work out an exact method, then do individual tests to perfect sub-sections of your project, (as both Duane and myself have previously indicated), then bring it all together.
This sounds like a very interesting little project. It's a pity you left things so late, because you'll really have your work cut out for you now, I'm afraid.
- I see that Duane also wants the IR aspect clarified.