TELIT HE910 3G module & #HTTPSND command

Is there anyone here who has played with a TELIT HE910 module (possibly same as other modules) and actually got the #HTTPSND command to work and is willing to share the secret!??!?!

I had this working nicely on a SIMCOM module but want to port it to the TELIT as I can get a complete hardware platform with Mega1280 with TELIT module onboard + PSU and a whole heap of other nice things in a case! The TELIT SMPT & HTTP commands are vastly different and the documentaion although HUGE is example poor!

I have the module powering up and registering and pulling network time from it.

Then I'm trying to post a block of json data to a website

The first couple of commands seem to be working, but the AT#HTTPSND command just gives "ERROR" no matter what I try from their poor examples! It should return ">>>" for me to then send the data block. I get the same result from a Terminal as i do from the Arduino code







Let's see some code.

Sorry - No code at this stage as the commands typed as above (with actual URL etc of course) directly into a terminal connected to the modem don't work.

Well technically there IS code - but direct AT commands from a terminal to the modem serial port give the same result so its not a code issue - its more of a "cant get the AT commands right" issue

Looking for anyone else who has used these modules to see if I am missing something :-/

from the data sheet:


Execution command performs a POST or PUT request to HTTP server and starts sending data to the server.
The device shall prompt a three character sequence
(IRA 62, 62, 62)
after command line is terminated with ; after that the data can be entered from TE, sized <data_len> bytes.
<prof_id> - Numeric parameter indicating the profile identifier.
Range: 0-2
: Numeric parameter indicating the command requested to HTTP server:
0 – POST
1 – PUT
: String parameter indicating the HTTP resource (uri), object of the request
<data_len>: Numeric parameter indicating the data length to input in bytes
<post_param>: Numeric/string parameter indicating the HTTP Content-type identifier, used only for POST command, optionally followed by colon character (:slight_smile: and a string that extends with sub-types the identifier:
“0[:extension]” – “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” with optional extension
“1[:extension]” – “text/plain” with optional extension
“2[:extension]” – “application/octet-stream” with optional extension
“3[:extension]” – “multipart/form-data” with optional extension
other content – free string corresponding to other content type and possible sub-types
<extra_header_line>: String parameter indicating optional HTTP header line
If sending ends successfully, the response is OK; otherwise an error code is reported.
Note: the HTTP request header sent with #HTTPSND always contains the “Connection: close” line, and it can not be removed.
When the HTTP server answer is received, then the following URC is put on the serial port:
#HTTPRING: <prof_id>,<http_status_code>,<content_type>,<data_size>
<prof_id> is defined as above
<http_status_code> is the numeric status code, as received from the server (see RFC 2616)
<content_type> is a string reporting the “Content-Type” header line, as received from the server (see RFC 2616)
<data_size> is the byte amount of data received from the server. If the server doesn’t report the "Content-Length:" header line, the parameter value is 0.
Note: if there are no data from server or the server doesn’t answer within the time interval specified in parameter of #HTTPCFG command, then the URC #HTTPRING <http_status_code> parameter has value 0.


Post 100 byte without “Content-type” header

Post 100 byte with “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

Post 100 byte with “multipart/form-data” and extension

All I get from any of the examples (modified to contain my info - or not modifed at all) is "ERROR"

So I have obviously have missed a step somewhere but cant make head nor tail of any of the examples TELIT give as to what I have missed!

Gave up on the #HTTPSND command - even TELIT cant make it work!

Using #SKTD and sending the HTTP POST as a string of text.........

This might be a couple years late, but it looks like you are missing


after the
