Text output on lcd12864 with '\n'

I set up text output to the screen, it works, but each new line is shifted by a character x+=6. How can you fix it? :grinning:

char text[] = "Hey Bro!\nI am Console\nOpen source project!";

void frame_3()
  int sizeText = sizeof(text); int x{}; int y{10};
  for(int i = 0, x = 0; i < sizeText, x < (sizeText*6); i++, x+=6)
    u8g2.setCursor(x, y);

    if (text[i] == '\n') 
      y += 10; x = 0;

What does the end condition in the first for loop evaluate as?

Hmmm I don't quite understand your question.

The first loop counts up to the number of characters in the string.

the second counts with a step of 6 pixels to the result sizeText*6

No, that's why I asked.

Edit: you edited your last response after I had posted mine

So, again,

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It's already night outside the window and I want to sleep. But once again and again revised the condition :grin: Ooooh Yes! I get it right? :grinning:

    if (text[i] == '\n') 
      y += 10; x = -6;

No, the for loop terminal condition

It's pretty unusual to see a comma in any condition.

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