The Correct Orientation of MPU6050/GY-521 Module in Arduino QuadCopter

I applied Joop Brokking's Tutorial in his brilliant web page about MPU6050 Orientation on my Arduino Quadcopter projects (using multiwii 2.4 firmware).

Here's what he said:

The orientation of the gyro is not important as long as the Z-axis is vertical (perpendicular to the surface) and the edges of the gyro are aligned with the edges of the quadcopter. Click on the image to see all the possible gyro orientations.

Now I want to show you 2 pictures here:

This case is very important for me since Joop brokking said that placing the wrong mpu6050 orientation will make the Quadcopter flip and turns around and he was right! (I also check the vibration, propeller and the motor and tested it. All is okay).

Throttle, pitch, yaw and roll showed the movement correctly in Desktop Multiwii-GUI, but when I powered the Quadcopter, the Roll turned into Pitch and the Pitch turned into Roll. I also check the RC Flysky to see if there was nothing wrong with it.
(I'm lazy to use the REVERSE channel features, since I also use the RC Flysky for other projects).

You can see the "DOT" on the mpu6050 chip, right?
Based on Joop brokking, I place the mpu6050 on the top of copter frame as below:

I'm sure that I myself misunderstand what Joop brokking said about mpu6050 orientation, so, please help me about how to place the correct mpu6050 module on the Quadcopter frame based on the FL, FR, RL and RR directions.

note: I'll be back in 15 minutes.

You may be too lazy for this hobby. :wink:

The orientation of the IMU, as well as many other things that you can build differently to what is default or customary or "correct", can be compensated for in the software.

In any well designed flight control software, there should be a section, or multiple sections, where you can change the promises you are keeping about what went where, what turns CCW and CW, what channel does what and is reversing or not and so forth.


The easiest and fastest way to solve the problem could be not writing to the forum, but make yourself a few tests with different orientation of IMU on the copter while all channels will be on the correct places.

so, there's no constant or fixed orientation IMU on the copter.

If you think about it, as long as you don't rotate the IMU on the frame during a flight then there is no need for there to be a fixed orientation

Why not simply use a flight controller and off the shelf receiver like everyone does these days.
No need to reinvent the wheel.
Then time can be spent on the mechanics and setting up either on Ardupilot or Inav.

I simply don't like something "everything is ready to". Even If I dont have money with me, I will make money for it. I love building something from the scratch, e.g my own fc, receiver. I've been learning C++ now. I'm a web dev. But, robotic programming, in fact, really makes me WOW.

You know I also built a transmitter using NRF24L01 and it worked as expected but not with flysky TX. That's why I got stuck on the IMU orientation.

Good luck there.

Maybe the Tx order is different from "whatever it was you used before and chose not to tell anyone".
Then again, placement of the IMU should be the same whatever. Suggest you've stuffed up somewhere which you don't show.

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