The meaning of "status"


while programming I noticed that, when I tried to give a variable the name 'status' the word gets marked orange like when you type 'int', 'delay' or sth like that, what means this word is already internal used...

This is what I mean:


What is the meaning of 'status' and when is it useful?

It's hard to serch for this queston, because status is such an generally used word... :-[

Thank You!

The word "status" has no specific meaning (unlike, for example, "for" or "while") in C or C++.

You can use it as you like, as a function or variable name.

If one of your libraries in the libraries subdirectory has a method named status, it may show up in orange. For example, if you type println, which is a method of the Serial object, it is color coded. You can still name a variable with it, however, since it's not being used with the dot operator.

Are you sure, that 'status' got no special meaning?
It's no macro from a library, because it's still orange without any included library...

so i'm still a bit confused :slightly_frowning_face:


Are you sure, that 'status' got no special meaning?
