hello anyone know if the relay module can be totally off using arduino?
Hello, @sai_07 - What do you consider "not totally off"? The relay modules in my parts bins are totally off.
You are not new to the forum. You know the procedures to create a question with useful information. Please, make it easier on everyone.
Remove all the wires. Disconnect a coil wire. Turn off the power. I have no idea what we are talking about? Define "totally off". What relay module? What are the power sources and how are they connected? Is there a load? ..etc.
l have no clue as to what your hardware device is or how it interacts with your code, post an annotated schematic, the language of electronics, showing how you have wired it, not pictures such as frizzy (wiring) drawings they are useless for troubleshooting. Do include links to "Technical information" on the hardware parts, links to sales outlets like azon are next to useless. Doing this will have a big positive effect on your answers and will improve the accuracy of the answer a lot.
I would sure like to help you but since you did not take the time to read the forum guidelines I will not burn the time trying to figure out the gibberish you posted. All I can say is good luck!
thank to you sir