For many years I've used the two lines below (+ comments) when setting up my sketches to interface with an SD card (e.g. Adafruit microSD breakout).
#include <SdFat.h> // microSD interface
#include <SPI.h> // required after IDE 1.5.4
However today (while contemplating how SPI libraryh really works) I found that I could comment SPI.h out and it made no difference. So I guess the SPI library is automagically installed by my IDE2.2.0 ?
My biggest question about SPI: Are the two SPI interfaces (e.g. on UNO or MEGA) combined or separate? If they are separate how do I distinguish them in my sketch.
i.e. if I have two unrelated sensors A and B each using SPI for a different purpose, how do I set them up so there's no clashes?
The SPI library has always been part of the Arduino AVR board package and does not require installation. The reason why you used to include a header but now not is that the latest versions of the SD library already include the
ICSP1 is a header of the different controller, used for interface the board to the USB bus.
The main arduino chip - Atmega328 (Uno) or 2560 (on Mega) has the one SPI interface only.
I understand the purpose of the ATMEGA 16U2 w.r.t. USB, but this discussion is about SPI.
Per my comments in post #7, even though MEGA pins 50,51,52 are from ICSP1 on and ATMEGA 16U2, they also function as part of the SPI bus. I've runs an Adafruit microSD this way many times (using nearby pin 48 for CS). So it seems the 328P and 16U2 share the one SPI bus in some intimate way. On the other hand, maybe they really are two separate SPI buses and the SPI library automatically caters for the two.
2. What role does SPI.h Library play in the sketch? In Slave Sketch:
Referring to the following codes/sketch:
(1) The Library provides the meanings for the symbolic names: SS, MOSU, MISO, SCK. (2) The codes for this function: SPI.attachInterrupt(); (3) The meaning/interpreation/codes for this ISR(): ISR(SPI_STC_vect) (4) Many more...
byte txData[] = {0xAB, 0xCD};
byte rxData[2];
volatile byte byteCounter = 0;
volatile bool flag = false;
int i = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(MISO, OUTPUT);
bitClear(SPCR, MSTR); //UNO-2 is Slave
bitSet(SPCR, SPE); //SPI Port is created
SPI.attachInterrupt(); //LIE, GIE are active
void loop()
if (flag == true)
noInterrupts();//critical section
byte myCounter = byteCounter;
byteCounter = 0;
Serial.print("Received Data: ");
Serial.print(rxData[0], HEX);
Serial.println(rxData[1], HEX);
Serial.print("Number of bytes received: ");
Serial.println(myCounter, DEC);
flag = false;
rxData[i] = SPDR;
SPDR = txData[i];
if (i == 2)
i = 0;
flag = true;
In Master Sketch:
Referring to the following sketch, it is not hard to see the role of SPI.h Library.
int y = 0x1234;
void setup()
SPI.begin(); //default speed: 4 Mbits/sec
digitalWrite(SS, LOW); //Slave is enabled
void loop()
byte y1 = SPI.transfer(highByte(y));
delayMicroseconds(10); //must be
byte y2 = SPI.transfer(lowByte(y));
delayMicroseconds(10); //must be
int recInt = y2 << 8|y1;
Serial.println((uint16_t)recInt, HEX);
FYI: this discussion isn't about Master-Slave SPI connections. The two SPI interfaces (hardware pinouts) I am referring to appear on a single UNO, and they also appear on a single MEGA. These are referred to a ICSP and ICSP1 in the schematics
Lots of good info but I don't believe the main issue is resolved as yet. On a MEGA I can run a SPI LCD off pins D10-D13 and an SD card off SPI / ICSP1 pins 50,51,52 (+CS) . The first SPI port is connected to the main chip however the latter SPI is connected to the 16U2.
So ... still not clear IMO. Is there one SPI bus or two?
Pins 50,51,52 are the hardware SPI pins on a Mega, these are connected to the ICSP header for the atmega2560 chip. Pins 11, 12, 13 on the Mega are not connected to SPI hardware at all, if you are using those then a software implementation of SPI is being used. None of these pins are connected to the ICSP header for the 16u2, that is completely independent. < edit > An ohmmeter can be used to verify the connections of the ICSP headers to the pins.