TinyGPS++ calculation of coordinates using elevation and distance

Hi, many thanks for this library. I'm solving a problem. TinyGPS++ can calculate the course and the distance between two points. How can I use this library to calculate the coordinates of the second point if I know the coordinates of the first point and the course and distance to the second point? It would help me a lot, the calculation is terrible :slight_smile:
Unfortunately I did not find a similar topic here. If this issue has already been resolved, I apologize.
Thank you for your reply and have a nice day ...

How can I use this library to calculate the coordinates of the second point

It's a point.
You already KNOW its coordinates.

I know my coordinates, distance and direction to the point.... I don't know the coordinates of the point. I need to calculate the coordinates of that point.

I suppose you did not get any results when you did a internet search on the words

given a known lat lon and distance calculate new position


Then how did airplanes get from here to there in WWII?

Google "great circle".

This stuff used to be secondary school trig.

To calculate the coordinates of a point at some distance and bearing from a given point, use the "bearing shoot" method.

Described here: Destination point given distance and bearing from start point

The code I use for that is specialized for an old version of TinyGPS, which stores internal lat/lon as long integers in degrees * 1 million:

// find latitude and longitude (lat2,lon2) of a point,
// given bearing (degrees) and distance (meters), lat1, lon1
// **great circle route on spherical Earth assumed**
// input and output (lat,lon) are long integers in degrees*1e6
// on ATMegas, this is less accurate due to single precision floats
void bearing_shoot(float bearing, float distance, long lat1, long lon1, long *lat2, long *lon2)

	float phi1,lam1,d,phi2;
	float R=6371000.0;  //mean Earth radius in meters
	float theta = bearing*DEG2RAD;

	d = distance/R;  //arc length

	phi1 = DEG2RAD*lat1*1.0e-6;  //convert to radians
	lam1 = DEG2RAD*lon1*1.0e-6;
	phi2 = asin(sin(phi1)*cos(d) + cos(phi1)*sin(d)*cos(theta));

	*lat2 = (long) 1.0e6*phi2*RAD2DEG;
	*lon2 = (long) 1.0e6*(lam1 + atan2(sin(theta)*sin(d)*cos(phi1), cos(d)-sin(phi1)*sin(phi2)))*RAD2DEG;

For short distances (up to some km) you can use the "equirectanglar approximation", which is more accurate than the Great Circle method on AVR based Arduinos:

// this version of bearing_shoot uses the equirectangular approximation.
// GPS coordinates assumed to be long integers, degrees*10^6 (10 cm precision)
// tests show it to be more accurate for short distances than the great circle
// version above, but consumes far less program memory

void bearing_shoot (float bearing, float distance, long lat1, long lon1, long *lat2, long *lon2)
  float d,phi1;
  float R=6371000.0;  //mean Earth radius in meters
  long dlat, dlon;

  float theta = bearing*DEG2RAD;
  d = RAD2DEG*distance/R;  //arc length in degrees

  phi1 = DEG2RAD*lat1*1.0e-6;  //convert lat to radians
  dlat = d*cos(theta)*1.0e6; //latitude change in degrees*10^6
  dlon = d*sin(theta)*1.0e6/cos(phi1); //longitude change, corrected for latitude

    *lat2 = lat1 + dlat;
    *lon2 = lon1 + dlon;