To convert pressure sensor value into breaths per minute

Right now I'm facing a dilemma regarding the topic. I am using Arduino UNO to take input of breathing pressure. But I want to convert this into breaths per minute. My idea is to take an average pressure as a threshold value and have different states for both inspiration and expiration pressure. Then either count the time taken to reach from one state to another and back into the same state or either count the number of state changes that occur in a minute by taking a small sample size. The question is how can I achieve so ? Any guidance along with proper code would be appreciated.

I work in a hospital, and sometimes get to repair minor problems on respirators. There are more sensors working together to determine the frequency (of the breathing), and pressure, etc. So the main question is, how complicated would you like this to make? Or is it only a hobby project, where slight miscalculations are allowed? Given an optimal patient, you should measure the air line's pressure about 100-200 times per second, determine where it changes direction, then you should have a frequency value. Also, what is the hardware that is used to measure this pressure?

Thank you for the reply.
Regarding your inquiries, slight miscalculations are perfectly fine for this project as this is just for a college project where future improvements can be made. We have used Arduino UNO along with MPS20N0040D as pressure sensor.

Measuring breathing, hobbyist grade, can be done quite easily with a "arduino hot wire anemometer".

If you want someone to write the code, contact a moderator and have them move this posting to the Gigs and Collaboration where you can beg someone to write the code for you or pay.

hmm thanks for the reply. I will look into it. Looking more into electronic aspect.

Hot Wire anemometer is all electronic.

That sensor needs an external instrumentation amplifier to work with an Arduino,
and it might not be sensitive enough for breath (+40kPa).
A sensor with built-in amplifier and higher sensitivity like the MPXV7002 (-2Kpa to +2kPa) could be a better start.

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