To use L297+L298,i must strict adherence schematic?

i just want learn use L297+L298 to control setpper motor.
i have one small stpeper motor from DVDROM,i connect it directly to my UNO,and use Stepper library,it is works fine.

now i just have L297 and L298N clip,and connect them not follow schematic, only input/output/power pin,without any capacitor/resistor/diodes,
so,its not work.

my question is:is there any way use L297+L298N with minimum electronic component and connect?i dont care about anything else,i juse need stepper run with L297+L298+minimue electronic component.

here is my connection detail:

uno | L297 | L298n | stepper motor
6(pwm) ----- 18(clock)
7 ----- 17(cw/ccw)
8 ----- 19(half/full)
9 ----- 10(enable)

5V ----- 12(Vs)
5V -------------------------------- 9(Vss)
5V -------------------------------- 4(Vs)
GND -------- 2
GND -----------------------------------8

4 ---------- 5
6 ---------- 7
7 ---------- 10
9 ---------- 12


What schematic are you not following?

The short answer is Yes, you need all those parts.

Nobody uses the L297+L298 these days because there are much better single-chip solutions for controlling stepper motors in constant current mode, for example the A4988.

What schematic are you not following?

at L298 datasheet,page 8,Figure 8

The short answer is Yes, you need all those parts.

well,can i use those parts but diffent model?

Nobody uses the L297+L298 these days because there are much better single-chip solutions for controlling stepper motors in constant current mode, for example the A4988.

i know that chip,but i am newbie for electronics,i can not handle flat package type clip now...not have enought tools and PCB broad :roll_eyes: ,and i thought L297+L298 schematic from datasheet is also easy.. :cold_sweat:

Save yourself the trouble and the poor, energy wasting performance of outdated technology and buy a prebuilt A4988 module from Pololu. It even does microstepping. Pololu has great product support too. Pololu - A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier or Pololu - A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Black Edition

Save yourself the trouble and the poor, energy wasting performance of outdated technology and buy a prebuilt A4988 module from Pololu. It even does microstepping. Pololu has great product support too. Pololu - A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier or

well,i dont think this waste my time, because i just try use some i already haved components to start learn electronics.
If one day I go to make something,i will buy that prebuilt module :smiley:
anyway,thanks for that infomation

I do see where this "old" combination can be useful. The A4988 based boards can only do 2A max with a heatsink and fan, and it is difficult to put a heat sink on them. The L297 plus L298 makes a chopper driver that can do 2A easily, easily mountable on a large heat sink, and can be paralleled for more current. See page 7, fig 7. As I have four 3V 4A steppers, this is of interest to me. Also, if this is what someone has to work with... not everyone has the access or cash to just buy all new parts.

well,can i use those parts but diffent model?

I am uncertain what you mean by "different model". BTW, if you are going to refer to a datasheet, it is good form to provide a link to that datasheet.

The parts will need to have the values given to them in the datasheet. Unfortunately for a beginner, the datasheet (page 8, fig 8) does not give voltage ratings or type for capacitors, or power ratings for resistors. Also unfortunately, it is not a complete schematic.

Fortunately, a lot of people have done the work already. If you Google for L297 L298 schematic, you may find what you are looking for. Unfortunately, I don't have more free time at the moment.

thank you polymorph .
because i have components not complete from some dead device,so i am try use not complete schematic.
after read l298 datasheet, i am successed use only l298 chip,next i will read l297 datasheet and try l297+l298 again .
ofcause,at the end of this learn ,i will try get full components and follow complete schematic.
thank you very much.