Topics to cover in an arduino course

Hey guys I'm planning on making a course on how to start in arduino, what are some topics I need to cover in it though?

Using the beginners Arduino book is a good beginning.

Use an outlining tool - like MSWord to start on a framework…

Post that here, and we can help you expand and fill in any gaps.

Number systems.

Maybe the same ones in any of the several dozen that I hope you've at least glanced at.

I don't want to be pessimistic, but how do you hope to do better, and how are you going to draw eyes and attention to your course?

And say, are you planning a series of videos, or a text oriented approach?

One thing you could do I have not seen and if you are equipped to do better than others, or at least well, is a course with a heavy reliance on using the wokwi simulation tool in parallel with however else you will be asking us to conduct experiments as we learn.

Many noob issues are with wiring and components that are bad and power supply stuff. The simulator eliminates those.

Are you selling a kit of parts, and is that in fact the real motive? I reject courses that start off asking me to spend money, certainly if it is to the teacher I am sending it.

Are you planning that this will be free, and free of advertising? Inquiring minds want to know.

Good luck! Post here with anything you come up with for feedback.


do you mean arduino workshop?

It will will include a combination of videos and text. I will worry about advertising it later. Wowki looks good, I will use it in the course. No I'm not selling parts. Thanks

ok looks good thanks

I'm not sure. The book I thought of was written by a Swedish company for their chain of shops.
There's a kind of kit with several Arduino examples, handbook etc..

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